Chapter 15

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"I demand to be the one to question him first!" Irisia demanded of her little brother.
They were all (which included Irisia, Lucifer, Chloe, Dan, and Maze) currently in the room next to the interrogation room, behind the one way glass mirror. Toby Mallard was currently in the interrogation room, looking extremely scared, fidgety, and nervous.

"In case you don't remember, Iris, The Detective and I are the ones heading this case." Lucifer pointed out. Irisia glared hatefully at the devil.

"But Dan and I were the ones who had made it possible to even FIND him! And I care much more about this case than you!"

"That is exactly the problem! You're too emotionally invested!" Lucifer retorted.

"Hah! I'm emotionally invested? Samael-"

"Don't call me that!"

"-you constantly get too invested in cases! I've seen how you almost always try and use them to learn some sort of lesson and make it all about you! So don't lecture me on being emotionally invested!"

It was now a screaming match between the siblings. One that Toby could hear through the wall.

"Ya know," Maze said as she leaned against the wall and played with a blade. "I could just go in there and torture the guy."

Irisia was about to dismiss the demon, but paused. "Actually," Irisia said slowly. "That's not such a bad idea-"

"Hell no!" Chloe exclaimed. "Nobody is torturing anyone!"

Maze grunted in response. "You're no fun, Decker."

Chloe sighed deeply and ran a palm down her face. "Everyone, please, just stop screaming at each other!"

Chloe felt like she was surrounded by children. Immortal, super humanly strong, powerful, murderous children.

To top it all off, the detective had been feeling slightly nauseous all day. And this was definitely not helpful. "Now, we are all adults here, I'm sure that we can all come to a compromise."

The immortals all started talking at once, but stopped when Chloe lifted one hand up. Once she was satisfied that they were all quiet, she continued. "Now, I am going to go in there alone and talk to him first myself."

Irisia glared, not liking this idea at all. "But-"

Chloe silenced the angel with a glare of her own. It was a glare that Dan had named "The mom look" when they were married. The name had eventually stuck, and was still used by Dan till today.

"No 'buts'. This is how it's going to be." Dan covered his mouth with his fist, trying to stifle his laughter. Her mom look was in full effect. Right along with her mom voice.

"I have to say, Detective, that this bossy side of you is a bit of a turn on." Lucifer commented with a smirk.

But Chloe wasn't in the mood for it. She turned her glare on him. "Lucifer... not now." Her voice was low and deadly, to the point that it sounded like a death threat. Lucifer shifted his legs, beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable under his girlfriend's death glare. He would've felt more uncomfortable if he wasn't already used to it.

Finally, Chloe breathed deeply, then made her way into the interrogation room.

"She is intimidating for a human." Irisia commented. Maze barked out a laugh. "Oh, you have no idea. Chloe can have Lucifer whipped with his tail between his legs just using her words faster than I can snap a human's neck."

Dan laughed his ass off at that, while Lucifer glared at the demon. "That's not true!" Lucifer shouted defensively. "I thought you didn't lie?" Maze said teasingly with a grin.

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