chapter xvii - irresistible

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"you got a thing for watching or something?" he asks jokingly.

"in your dreams," i roll my eyes as he climbs in his shower, laughing.

screw it. i'm going in there. regrets can always come later. i join him in the shower.

"there's my girl," he says while backing me up against the shower wall. the hot water splashes his back as he kisses me.

30 minutes later...

once we finally separated ourselves in the shower, we did our own thing and got out. i changed and sat beside in the window nook, watching the lingering zombies by the fence.

"i'd make you come with me tonight if it wasn't for your punishment," he says as he gets dressed.

"what's tonight?" i half-interestedly say.


"getting eaten mosquitos isn't really my thing. but i'm stuck here anyway. have fun," i say without looking at him. he stands there for a minute, looking at me. probably wondering if i'm insane or something. he murmurs an okay and walks outside, then i hear as he commands a poor dude to guard the door and to tackle me if i try to get out.

i have no plans on escaping, but i might get bored later. i saw a glimpse of the dude when negan left, he's skinny and frail. i could take him if necessary.

i ignore that very enthusing idea and try to distract myself before i do some more stupid shit. i see a record player on his shelf along with some vinyl records. i walk over, wondering what the devil's music taste is.

as expected, it was like every other old white dude - including my dad. ac/dc, nirvana, guns n' roses, blah blah blah. not that i didn't like the music, it's the best workout music around but it gets old after hearing it every weekend when your dad and daryl were working on something. i smile at that, damn i miss being annoyed by that kind of stuff.

i put the ac/dc one on the player and turn the volume down low. when the first beat of 'back in black' starts playing i drift off, reminiscing.

i'm a bit dramatic but i think i deserve at least some dramatics. i miss them. i miss waking up because dad tried to sing along and was failing epically. i miss hearing mom and judy's laughter. i missed them. i turn the record off, not wanting any attention drawn to me. i decided that tonight i would allow myself to be sad. then, i would stop being a baby and get over it.

i changed into an old t-shirt and shorts. i pulled out the old picture i brought and looked at it, remembering that day.

flashback to family picture day...

"y/n, judy it's time to get up," mom said cheerfully as she gently shook each of us.

i could hear mom's favorite record playing in the kitchen and dad, of course, was singing horribly.

"why do you build me up buttercup baby just to let me down," i hear.

judy and i change before heading downstairs.

"dad please stop, the neighbors are going to think we're killing a stray animal or something."

"oh y/n, my singing is phenomenal, you're just jealous," he says as he continues.

"you wish, dad."

i laugh and grab my plate of breakfast. after eating it i go to mom's room to borrow some hair supplies and makeup. beth helps me with my makeup.

carl comes running in, noah chasing after him.

"boys, go get dressed," she orders them, "i swear sometimes it seems like noah isn't 20."

"i know right?" we laugh. after we finish doing hair and makeup, i head to get dressed. i change into a dress that mom bought.

i help get judy and the girls ready and we head out. once we get there we pile out and do what the photographer says. but the twins aren't having it. they won't stop crying and poor beth and noah have tried everything. so dad decides to try something, he starts singing 'build me up buttercup'. we all start laughing and the girls do too. the photographer snaps the picture right then.

end flashback...

after that, i decide to get in bed and read a few more chapters.

negan comes in thirty or so minutes later. "you still up?"

"yea, i gotta know what happens," i say as if i haven't read this twice already.

he chuckles and strips down to his boxers and undershirt, he then climbs in bed, "so are you going to tell me what the book is about?"

i smile and my eyes light up, this is every book lover's dream - well one of them. i explain the whole twilight trilogy. he isn't really understanding but he's smiling and trying to understand.

once i finish he sighs, "that made no sense."

i laugh and he puts his head on my shoulder. reading the book along with me. i read pretty fast so i tell him to tell me when he's done with the page. we read a couple of pages before he just stops answering and starts snoring. i finish the chapter and set the book on the side table.

i maneuver us to lay flat on the bed and look at him one last time before falling asleep, "you sir, are quite irresistible."

she's mine - negan x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin