chapter xiii - devil in my bed

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i roll over and groan, realizing who was behind me. he smiles in his sleep, his hand still resting on my waist. i throw it off and stand up, the sun hasn't even come up yet.

wow. i never wake up this early.

i quietly sneak out and shut the door, hoping i wouldn't wake him.

"you fucking slept in a bed with him?" dad says.

"didn't have much of a choice, dad," i walk off, already tired of the attitude.

after changing, i go to find carl. i need to know what happened to him.

"carl, what are you doing out here?" i ask as i walk up behind him.

he looks up from the grave, "visiting noah."

"this is where noah is? i didn't know negan let you bury him."

"well, when i got back they had buried whatever was left of him. i'm surprised he let us do that too," he sighs.

"carl, what happened? how the hell did you lose your eye?"

"well, when i was on the way back, i had to disguise myself as one of 'them'. i was caught in a horde. when i was getting close to the fence, i thought i dropped something so i turned and just as i was about to bend down, a bullet came flying by. popped me right in the eye. i don't know how i got out of there, but i remember dad carrying me inside and carol telling me to lay still."

"carl, i'm so sorry," i say as sadness overcomes me, i couldn't help but feel partly guilty for what happened to him.

"why? you had nothing to do with it."

"i don't know, i just feel like you deserve one."

"you're kinda weird, y/n."

"shut up," i say while playfully hitting his shoulder.

we sit and talk to noah as if he is there. then, we have to say our goodbyes to him and head back to the house. i don't know when we will be leaving, and i want to soak this up - the goodness. the happiness.

my family is sitting on the back porch, on the swings. and they're finally happy and smiling. i guess it's because negan isn't outside. carl and i walk up, i pick up one of the twins. "hi rory, getting into trouble i see,"  i say cuddling her. i missed this so much, these moments, the smiles, the laughter.

we were all laughing at rose, who was making faces. i think these girls can sense something is wrong, they're trying to make us happy. i guess negan can sense happiness too because he rounds the corner with a huge smirk on his face.

"what's so funny?" he asks.

the mood changes immediately. dad is tense again and picks rose up, holding her tightly. mom clenches to judith. carl comes next to me and nudges me behind him.

"aw now, don't ruin the moment guys," he turns to dad, "ricky, we need to talk."  dad hands rose to carl and follows negan to the backyard.

all of us girls and carl walk inside and go to the playroom. once the twins are put down in their play pen with some toys, carl, mom and i head to the hallway.

"y/n, i can't let you leave with him. i can't let him take another one of my babies. i can't," my mother says, holding back tears.

negan interrupts, "too bad, sweetheart. my wife and i," he puts an emphasis on wife, "leave tomorrow. say your goodbyes. we leave as soon as the sun comes up." he comes over and puts his hand on my waist, pulling me closer. he leans down and whispers in my ear, "start acting like you give a shit about the rules, you're second strike is wearing thin."

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