Chapter Seven- Stupid Storms and Spilling Secrets

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"But I remember something...I can't really remember now..." Naruto frowned and Kushina rubbed the back of his head. "You're fine, Naruto! What's five times nine?"

"Fourty?" He asked and Minato chuckled. "Kushina, I don't think you need to do that, the boy's tired. Remember the big day he had today? Give him a little bit rest, sweetie." Kushina blushed. "Of course, I forgot."

"Come on Naruto. Let's go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new and nice day, and guess what? There might be some rain! Now, don't make such a face. Rain is good! Without it nothing grows, and everything would dry up! That would be terrible, wouldn't it?" Naruto frowned. "I thought tomorrow would be sunny?" Minato shook his head. "Naruto, See the clouds outside?" He pointed to the window and Naruto looked. 


Black covered everything except for the pale moon, and lighting crackled in the distance. "See? Rain is coming, and you might be able to get outside and play in the puddles when it stops."  Naruto smiled. Of course. Why did he even feel strange? Like something was going to happen. " I sleep with you guys tonight?" 


Minato hugged him. "Of course, Naruto. Just remember you'll always have us to come to, alright?" Kushina yawned. "Come on, lets save the promises for tomorrow. We need sleep." 


She led him into their room and they fell asleep, nice and sound. However, Naruto had this feeling in his guts, something was going to happen. 


He woke in the middle of the night. Everything was strangely quiet. "it's going to rain, remember?" he whispered to himself and felt for his mother's hand. He couldn't find it. Panicking, he desperately grabbed for something, anything that might be his mom or dad. He looked around, trying to see in the dark. Lighting boomed once and he saw a silhouette. "Mom?" He called, clutching the blankets. That wasn't Mom's shadow.


"Shit. He saw me, boss. Should we let him live?" The silhouette called and he leaned back, scared. This is a dream. This couldn't be happening. This was a dream. 


"Yes, let him live a bit longer. We don't need him yet, and he might be useful to us..." Another voice murmured and they both chuckled before everything became quiet again. Thunder boomed and Naruto jumped, then ran out the bed. "WHO ARE YOU GUYS?" He yelled but they were gone. 


He turned on all the lights in the house and looked through every doorway, every room and closet. Under the bed, in the restroom, behind the curtains, in the corners. He went back into their big room. "Mom...Dad...." He started to cry. "Hello? Where you are guys? This isn't funny anymore! I want you guys back!" His tears fell and he let his head drop. The tears fell on the carpet. 


There was something else on the carpet. Something red. "....No..." He gasped and bent down, trying to wipe it off. "What is that?" He put the still fresh red color liquid in his mouth. He had seen it when his mom had cut her finger by accident when she was slicing an apple, and she looked like she was in pain. He had also seen it when he scraped his knee, it hurt but it quickly went back to normal. It tasted metallic. He looked and saw more and more drops of red leading into the last restroom, the restroom in his parents room. The one he had slept in.

Story of our Lives -Naruto and Sasuke- FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora