24) Graduation

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Previously :

"Is it ok with you if I ask Lily to marry me?" James said with a more calm tone.


The girls were silent for a few moments
"Did I hear you right?"Clara asked, breaking the silence. You could see the marauders faces full of anticipation. "Yes," James replied. The next few moments were spent in silence but the girls sharing glances at each other, in ways that neither of the boys could read their faces.
"Oh will you answer already!" Sirius exclaimed. The girls suddenly started screaming. Unsurprisingly, this caused Sirius to jump and bump into Remus who bumped into Peter who knocked down one of the side tables.
"Umm, does this mean you girls are ok with this?"James asked, hopefull.
"OF COURSE!" they screamed in unison.
"But don't tell Lily about this obviously." JAmes said.
"When are you doing it?" 
"The night of graduation, before dinner." James said, timidly knowing Marlene's reaction.
"That's in...TOMORROW!" Marlene screamed.
"I know, I know but don't worry I have everything ready, at least I hope I do."
"You better, if you ruin anything tomorrow, I will ruin you." Marlene threatened.
"And she's not the only one." Clara and Alice added.

"Hey Marls, your book's not there, we didn't even have classes today!" Lily exclaimed as she entered the room.
"Sorry Lily, must have misplaced it somewhere."
"It's ok Marls, What were you talking about?" 
"Nothing muc, just how tomorrow would be a really special dayand we have to make it as memorable as possible-" Alice exclaimed.
Internally, James groaned, and just hoped that Marlene wouldn't say anything.
"What why?" Lily asked.
"Lily! It's our last day of Hogwarts!"Alice concluded. James sighed of releief.
"Hey we should do our nails! Besided tomorrow is a big day!" Clara added.
"I mean it is graduation day and that only comes once in your life." Marlene added.
"Yes! We should have a last girls night, but please, let's not pull an all nighter. Last time we did that, we were all so tired and we have a big day ahead of us!" 

"Hey Lily what do you think you want to do after Hogwarts?" Clara asks.
"You all know I want to be a part-time auror and healer.
"Not like that! I meant with James." Clara confirms.
"Oh. I haven't really thought about it much but I do hope to get married and start a family with him, I do love him very much!" Lily said, she looked over at their smirking faces and started to blush.

"LILY!!!!!" they screamed.
The girls spent the rest of night talking about their future lives and the upcoming day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

James woke up with what felt like a heavy weight on his heart. As apprehensive he was about today, he was excited, he was sure that Lily would love the proposal  set up, the only thing he was hoping for was she saying 'Yes'. James left the room and walked to the great hall. 
"Hey Prongsie! How you holding up?" Sirius asked, thumping his back.
"Honestly, I feel like throwing up." 
"You'll be fine Prongs." Remus added.
"Just make sure not to break a leg, or hands." Peter said and started to mutter to himself.

"Hey James!" Lily said as she walked in the great hall.
"H-hey Lils." he said, "so um whats up?" he aksed.
"Um, nothing much." was all Lily said before going to find her friends, 'That was odd' she thought, 'James would never say something like that and why was he stuttering?' Lily brushed it off, behind her she could hear Sirius and Remus laughing. 

"Is James ok?" she asked, sitting at the table.
"Yeah why?" Marlene asked.
"um - nothing." she decided to just ignore it.


"Hey James, you good, you look like you just saw a ghost." Remus says.
"Yeah, um I forgot to ask Dumbledore and Minnie if I can actually do this." James said. No more words said, before Sirius burst into laughter.
"Padfoot, this is serious."
"How is that Sirius when I'm Sirius?" Sirius said in between breaths.
"I'm not joking around Pads!" James whisper shouted.
"Well, then what are you waiting for, go and ask!" Remus said.
"Hey James!" Lily said as he walked down the hall.
"H-hey Lily!" he replied, thank goodness his voice was back to normal.
"You having any breakfast?"
"Yeah, I just need to ask Minnie and Dumbledore something." he said and carried on walking, before he made a fool of himself.

Jily - MY WORLD, MY LIFE, MY SOULTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon