This determination to save his brother earned him some kind words from Whitebeard in his own way "He's nothing but a big mouth kid who's looking for trouble. Dumb, clumsy and careless too, but I got a soft spot for fools like him." He looked over to Itachi. "Don't you agree?"

"I suppose so. That is my captain, after all." Whitebeard chuckled at the statement. He stepped forward as he now stood in front of another group of hundreds of marines and laughed "If you're ready to die step up and meet your maker!"

The marines stepped back "Not again!"

Whitebeard raised his blade and slashed again.


His blade was stopped by the feet off Akainu, causing an enormous amount of impact and explosion.

"You. You're always around creating havoc, but it ends right here!" Exclaimed Akainu.

Whitebeard laughed "Hahaha! That's what you think!"

Itachi was watching the devastation clash between his father and Adrimal. Each side going back and forth with each other. Behind Itachi was a pirate that looking at his commander with concern. Itachi didn't turn to see him, but he know his presence is there.Looks like Strawhat Luffy is on his limits, you sure he can continue?" He asked. didn't answered because he didn't know what to say, on the other hand he wanted Luffy to rest but then he knew he would not rest until Ace was safe and with his condition now…

"Let's just get our friend back." Replied Itachi. "Follow my lead." Itachi ran forward to the battle. "Understood, boss!" Said the pirate. He turns to his comrades. "Let's advance to save Ace!!" The rest of them agree in a loud roar.

Stop them!" a group of marines were about to fire their bazooka's on them. Itachi was about to use his Susanoo, but then....


"ARGH!" the marines got caught in an explosion.

The pirates were looking around for the direction that the explosion came from.

"Who shot them?!"

"Look the allied pirates and our tanks have arrived!" someone yelled.

The ships were firing their cannons up against the marines while being backed by the allied pirates.

Itachi smiled a little seeing the reinforcements had arrived finally. He was to turn around to join but he was stopped by a voice he haven't heard for a long time.

"I-Itachi." The young man turns his head to see a woman that haven't seen for awhile. The woman has long, flowing blue hair, full lips and always has a confident expression on her face. She sports a short striped dress closed by laces that have flower-shaped buttons, with loose sleeves, and a scarf. She also wears a polka-dotted bandanna, and over it a light blue and purple pirate hat with her jolly roger in the center, a skull with a snowflake design. She also sports a cape, hanging from her back. This woman was none other than Whitey Bay.

"Hello, Whitey-chan. It's been awhile." Said Itachi. He saw that Whitey was approaching him and knew while it was not the right time, but it seem like she want to say something. He turn to his group. "Lead the way. I'll catch up to you all." They all nodded and left him with the woman.

She slowly walked towards him, and when she stood there she raised her hand and touched Itachi's cheek.

Itachi touched her hand and brought it down to letting her touch his hand.

"How you been?" Asked Whitey

"Alright...but we should get this over with. The war isn't over. We need to save him." Replied Itachi.

"I-I know. But we haven't seen each other for l-long time. And I-" she got interrupted by a two finger jab on the forehead. She staggered a little bit before glaring at him with a pout on her face.

Itachi smiled. "After the war, we'll try to talk again. Okay?"

She nodded with a faint blush "Okay."

An pirate pointed at the air "Marco is making his move!"

They both looked to where the pirate was pointing at and saw that Marco was in his phoenix mode and was flying straight for the execution platform.

Whitey smiled "I think he's going to make it." She saw how the marines could only try to fire their rifles at the phoenix as they went straight through the blue fire fur.

Itachi looked sceptic at the attempt and knew this wasn't going to end well. 'It won't be easy. He's forgetting one critical thing.' He thought.

After that thought, Marco came very close to Ace, Garp appeared in front of him and punched him right in the face and his body slammed into the ground.

"Marco is down!"

Garp then sat down on one of the Admiral's their chairs.

No way! We've got to fight Vice Admiral Garp!" Ivankov yelled.

"He finally joined in!" a pirate said "The hero of the marines."

This gave confidence to the marines "Hell be the greatest keeper for us!"

This will difficult indeed..........


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