war leave scars some you can't see

Start from the beginning


"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to," Harvey assured. The others had gone ahead of them to inspect the walker.

Nara shook her head as she stood up from her seat. " I have to see for myself if they're alive, it's the least I can do" she sighed.

"Nara" he grabbed her wrist " you know it wasn't your fault, right?"

She looked him in the eye with a deep sadness that tugged at his heart "try telling that to all the dead jedi and troopers" she said morbidly.

Harvey's eyes widened, dropping her wrist.

With that she threw on her helmet and turned on her heels making her way down the ramp.

The warm sand made a crunching noise under her feet as she made her way towards the group who seemed to be having a disagreement with the occupants who lived on the metallic relic.

"Stand down old man"

"Come at me hairball"

Everyone's blasters were drawn and the tension between the two groups was growing. Nara just rolled her eyes in disapproval; she found this whole situation to be pointless. To be honest she was rather annoyed by everyone's actions . She reached down to her holster and reached her dc-17 pistol. Slowly she raised the pistol to the sky making sure she was in hearing range and opened fire. The signal shot rang out across the sandy landscape startling both parties who turned to her with widened eyes.

"As much as I love a good squabble we do have business we have to attend to, so kindly shut your traps " she sighed placing her pistol back in her holster

"Who are you" one of the men asked. He looked weathered from old age and he had grown himself a fluffy white beard that framed his face.

" I have one better, who are you?" she frowned, crossing her arms.

"I don't speak to strangers, so you'll just have to figure that out for yourself " he grumbled.

"Well aren't you charming" she scoffed.

"Here I might be able to help," Ezra piped up.

Nara nodded "Go on kid".

Ezra nodded back " does the name CT-7567 mean anything to you"

The old men on the ship bristled as they reached for their blasters once more.

" what did you say"?

Ezra looked taken aback making Nara take one protective step towards him.

"I said CT-7567"

The man's brows seemed to crease " I haven't heard those numbers since- well thats my birth number"

Naras eyes widened as she fumbled with her blaster, shocking everyone around her except Kanan who gripped his lightsaber tighter with anger.

"Rex"? Her voice came out as a whisper.

The older man's eyes widened in shock "NARA"!, even some of the other men seemed to share Rex's shocked appearance.

She tugged at the seams of her helmet, throwing it into the sand below her feet to reveal her shocked expression.

"Oh my god you got old what the heck happened" she perplexed.

" I haven't seen you in over Ten years and that is all you have to say to me"? He asked.

" I mean she's not wrong" Jesse muttered making  Rex's nose scrunch 

She put her hands up defensively "I mean ok sure probably not the best thing to say but-"

Nara: a force untoldWhere stories live. Discover now