You didn't know how you knew this either, it was like it was just implanted in your brain. Not yours, but still there. It felt artificial and it creeped you out but what could you do? Nothing, so you swam. Like you were doing before, just swimming and swimming. 


It felt like you were swimming for days, weeks, months, an eternity and a few seconds all at once before the dot that was your only source of light got as bright as the dazzling sun, but somehow not blinding you like the sun would. You knew you were close, really close to it. Just a bit more, and you would be there. 

Feeling some of the hands holding your waist let go of you, like they were scared of it, you swam even harder, determined to get there. To be freed of these shackles that were these hideous hands.

One by one, the hands slowly started to leave you until you soon had none left holding you making it much easier for you to get there, feeling lighter than ever. Both physically and mentally. 

Soon the white dot was in arms reach and you reached out to it desperately, curling your body around it even if you couldn't see it and you just soaked up the warmth it was emitting. Your entire being that felt like a block of ice, started to melt and you felt relieved. When was the last time you had felt such warmth? You couldn't remember. Ah, it was like this little ball knew exactly what to do to please and influence you. 

You brought both of your hands around it, not touching it for you were scared of what would happen if you did, but close enough that a single twitch would make you.

Slowly, you could start seeing the tips of your fingers show, and then your hand, arm and so on. You didn't feel embarrassed to see yourself naked, no one was there anyways to see it except you, but you couldn't help but blush anyway.

You shifted your eyes back to the glowing white ball in your hands and you started to collect all the courage you had in you and slowly started to close your [Skin tone] hands around it. For a while, you just started at the ball of heat that was in your hands. 

It... was warm.

Warm like how the sunlight would feel on your skin if you were sunbathing, like what your balcony floor would feel against your bare feet on a hot summer day. It was pleasant.

Pleasant enough for you to curl yourself around it tighter and close your eyes wanting to savor this moment.


You didn't know when you fell asleep, but when you woke up you knew you were no longer in that black ocean with the warm white ball. This place you were now in was sticky, not liquidly like the previous place.

The lingering feeling of the warm ball of light could be felt in your hands and it almost made you want to go back, but you knew you couldn't stay in that place forever as much as you wanted to. 

At least it's warm here as well....

You thought before you felt as if your body was being pushed out of a tiny hole by an invisible force. It was unexpected and knocked the oxygen out of your lungs leaving you breathless. How... rude.

You didn't want to leave the warm place, but you knew you had to (Not like you had a choice considering the way you were being forced through this tiny hole), so you decided to make your body go limp, hoping that you made it a bit easier for the invisible force. You didn't want it to suddenly deplete you of oxygen again.

Cool air soon caressed your [Skin colour/tone] skin making goosebumps start to form and your lungs felt as if they were being frozen and stabbed by ice repeatedly. It was horrible but not as bad as the ocean of darkness and you felt tears dripping down your face. Weird, you didn't shed a single tear in the previous place despite it being much worse so why did you now? It was like your body moved on its own, just a natural instinct.

Why Me, Not Her? || Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora