Muffins and Daisies *Tyrus*

Start from the beginning

"I was heading out now,"Cyrus said. 

"Honey, do you want to talk abo-,"His mom started. 

"Later,"Cyrus said,"Probably at dinner."

"Okay,"His mom said,"Have a good time."

Cyrus nodded before he headed for the Spoon, asking Andi and Buffy to meet him. 

He got their first, and got them a booth, before Andi and Buffy were racing in together.

"Happy Birthday,"They both shouted.

"Sit down,"Cyrus said. 

"So, where is it,"Buffy asked. 

"What is it,"Andi asked.

"I'm not answering either of those questions,"Cyrus said.

"Cyrus,"Both of them said.

"I told you already,"Cyrus said,"I don't believe in it. So nothing's changed."

"But Cyus,"Buffy said. 

"Buffy, just because you and Marty are happy doesn't mean I want to be,"Cyrus said,"Please drop it. I'm going to have to talk about it enough tonight."

The girls slid a chocolate chocolate chip muffin with a lit candle on it towards him. 

"You guys,"Cyrus started. 

"They're your favorite,"Buffy said. 

"We picked it up before we came,"Andi said.

"Please don't sing,"Cyrus said. 

The girls just nodded and Cyrus closed his eyes, blowing out the candle. 

"We need milkshakes,"Buffy said,"The usual everyone. Chocolate for Cyrus. Strawberry for Andi."

Andi and Cyrus nodded, and Buffy called the waitress over to place their order.

Then, the bells on the door chimed.

"Um,"Andi said, looking directly at the door.

Cyrus turned to the door, and saw a tall, dirty blonde boy standing there with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, holding a bouquet of daisies.

"Is that, TJ,"Buffy asked.

It was TJ. 

It was most definitely TJ.

TJ moved forward once he spotted them, and Cyrus noticed his mark.

The muffin on TJ's right cheek. 

TJ froze when he studied Cyrus;s face.

"TJ,"Cyrus said.

"Hey Cyrus,"TJ said,"I um, I actually have to be leaving."

"Wait,"Cyrus called out, he spun around and looked at his friends, "Andi please tell me you have..."

As if she could read his mind she pulled out a makeup wipe and offered it to him. 

Cyrus immeadiatly wiped at his face, stopping when he saw the makeup coming off.

Then he spun around back towards TJ. 

"I,"Cyrus started, but didn't continue. 

TJ was smiling, and he held out the bouquet.

"Happy Birthday,"TJ said. 

Cyrus smiled and took the flowers.

"Do you want to sit with us,"Cyrus asked. 

"Actually Andi and I were just leaving to meet with Jonah,"Buffy said. 

"Right, because we're planning something special for Cyrus,"Andi said.

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