†𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏†

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Chapter Eighteen - Phoenix Black's home lessons.


It was the next day.

It felt nice being back home. I missed it, even if it hasn't been like a year yet, but it felt like it. Because I obviously never really left home and stayed somewhere else - and you already know why.

When I woke up, the bed was empty, thinking that Korra was probably downstairs.

So, I just did the things I needed to do and went downstairs. I noticed that everyone was awake, eating at the dining table.

"Finally you're awake" My mother said, once she noticed me.

"Morning pup" My father greeted.

"You mean, good afternoon" Korra corrected, as I went to join them at the table.

"Wait, is it really afternoon?" I had to ask, cause I didn't think I slept that long.

"Yes, you slept half of the day" My mother said, taking a sip of her mixed wine.

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't wake me" I said. Because I already knew how my mother is.

"Only because you need all the strength you can get" I heard my mother say, which got me a bit confused. Because I don't remember signing up for anything, during my two weeks break.

"And why is that?".

"Your mother suggested she should teach us some things while we're here - and I couldn't be anymore excited to learn from the famous Phoenix Black" Aleia said, looking like she couldn't contain her excitement.

"While I would disagree" Venus chimed in, not looking anywhere near interested "I came to have fun and not to continue school during my break" She added, with me agreeing - because I, too, didn't sign up for this. I was expecting for a break, but knowing my mother - taking a break, is not in her vocabulary.

"Well, if you're staying at my house - having fun is out of your list" My mother told Venus "With that said, when you all are done - meet me in the training room" She added, and left us to continue our meal.

"I should've stayed at the academy" Venus rolled her eyes.


When we were done eating, I lead the three to the training room. My father in the other hand, had to go visit his pack, cause they needed him.

Like Venus, I wasn't looking forward to any of the lessons. I just wanted to at least rest my brain or have some fun, but again - this isn't so much new to me. My mother doesn't know what a break is.

"So, what are we gonna learn today Ms. Bla- I mean Mrs. Storm?" Aleia asked, correcting herself, seeing how my mother's surname is no longer Black, but Storm now. Because she's married to my father.

"Well, I assume being the top students - you all already know how to summon a familiar".

"Mom, I just started the school year" I raised my hand, which I didn't know why I was. So, I just put it down.

"And she ain't anywhere near our league - unless she wins the trials that's coming up" Venus added, still disliking the idea that I'm still new to the academy, but I'm already close to being apart one of the top students - well..that's if I win the trials though.

"Well, she won Aleia at the practice trials" Korra reminded her.

"Aleia wasn't even giving her full potential. She would've slaughtered Jordyn if she was" Venus said in Aleia's defense, not wanting to believe that her sister lost that easy to me.

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