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She looked like a princess or an angel sleeping peacefully, was there a small smile on her pale lips?

No one could look at that face without crying.......they lost someone special...... really special......

Win and Bright lost there sister who was more than anyone to them......they lost their crime partner.......

Fong,Yim,First, Jackson,Mark and Tonhon lost their best girlfriend......their master brain......

Miriam and Earn lost their sister, they lost a part of their hearts.......

Their parents lost their smile and happiness........

And Ohm.......

He lost his love......he lost his world......he lost his Prim.......

"W-why is she sleeping in there? Can I go in too?"Bun put a hand on the glass coffin and Win bite his lips trying not to cry.....Miriam hide her face in Tonhon's chest and cried.

"She can't breathe there......open this"Tine stood there with Bun.......they lost their only bestest friend, they were trying to save her....... trying to open the coffin so she could breath again, they thought so.

Bright looked at Yim and First with his teary eyes and they quickly went to the kids and brought them back, they tried to go back to prim but the elders hold them back strongly.

And then came the person everyone was looking for........his eyes were red from crying, it took a lot of time for Fong to convince Ohm to come down........

He didn't looked at anyone else, not even his kids and he walked straight upto the glass coffin,where his love was laying lifeless......

Sarawat was hugging Tawan and he smiled as he spotted his father near them. He pointed his fingers at Ohm while giggling.......how could he know that the one who left is his beloved mom,who be was looking for in the past days.

Ohm kneeled down near the coffin and placed a hand on top of it.......

-Ohm's pov-

She was looking beautiful as ever........ just her skin and lips are more pale.......her in that white dress reminded me of our wedding.......

Even if she said until the death apart them,she secretly once promised that she'll not leave before me........but look at who's breaking their promise now........

I didn't realised that I was crying until the moment when my father touched my shoulder.........

W-why did you did that to me,love?

After Sarawat was born I was afraid to wish for a baby again,but she said she want one more and for a minute I forgot everything and was happy when she was pregnant again with our daughter.........not even in dreams we thought it would turn around like this........and I lost you.......

-end of Ohm's pov-

"Dad.....daddy......."Sarawat called out and Ohm blinked his eyes and looked at Sarawat. His vision was blurred and he wiped his tears away and gulped down. He was thinking

"Are you okay Mr.Guntithanon?"

"Yes, we'll reach in....."

"A fifteen minutes more Sir"driver answered and Ohm hummed.

"Daddy, you were crying again"Sarawat said and Ohm gulped down and pulled out a fake smile and patted his head and then looked outside of the window.........he looked at the ring on his small finger, it looked more pretty on her.......


"Uncle Ohm called me just now mom. He'll visit Prim first"Bun said and Win stopped stirring the soup for a moment and then smiled sadly.

2GETHER TILL THE END [BOOK-2]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now