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It's just a belief with some that the one who'll hold the flower bouquet front the bride will be the next bride.

Every girls were gathered behind Miriam who is all ready to throw back the bouquet.

Prim was standing between Earn and some other girls with her hands Crossed, clearly not interested in this child game. In fact she was dragged to be there.

"READY GIRLS?"Miriam asked and everyone except Prim yelled Yes.

Miriam turned around and hold up the bouquet.

Everyone waited and Miriam threw back the bouquet and Earn almost touched it when it straight landed on Prim's chest and her eyes widened.

"YAAAAAYYY CONGRATULATIONS"Miriam ran to her and hugged her tight and Everyone clapped and laughed.


"That was a stupid game. I'm not getting married anytime sooner"Prim said and Everyone chuckled.

"We'll see about that"Fong said and hold Earn's hand.

"However I've asked out Earn and I'm seeing her parents soon"Fong announced.

"Which means we all will be married by next 2 or 3 years"Tonhon said.

"Maybe.......but Prim"Win said and looked at Prim who just rolled her eyes.


"You shouldn't have brought her here"

"It already happened and I sent her back. Now what? You can't Just hold on to it and cause a fight between us forever"Ohm said and Prim looked at him.

"I'm not talking to you"Prim said and walked away from there.


2weeks later.

Everyone is back in Thailand and Bun is the happiest to be with Tine again.

First and Yim are fine with eachother now and Yim is succeeding in flirting with First with Bright's ideas.

Ohm have gone back to Australia still haven't had any progress with Prim.

Fong and Earn went back to Australia too and they're together now.

Brightwin is happy as ever and Mark-Jackson finally are Parents and they named their baby boy Max.

"Prim can you get that Phone for me?"Bright asked as now he was working from home and Prim got up from the couch to get his phone.


"He said take it for me, answer the call"Win said and Prim eyes them suspiciously and pick up the call.

"Listen up Prim-"

"I KNEW THIS WAS A PLAN"Prim yelled and cut the call and glared at the couple with that mischievous smile.

"Ughh"she walked to the couch again.


"What can make you happy?"

"Huh?"First looked at Yim.

"I mean,if someone loves you, what should they do to make you happy?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Just asking. Answer me"Yim whinned.

"Well, I love flowers, choclate's, Pokemon and whats more..........Aah I like ice-creams too"First said and Yim nodded.

"What about you?"First asked.

"The view of the person I love is happy and the reason is me will make me smile"Yim smiled and First smiled.

"You're not that bad guy"First commented and Yim chuckled.

2GETHER TILL THE END [BOOK-2]{Completed}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum