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"I'm so happy Prim......... finally you'll be mine"Ohm smiled and Prim smiled back.

"Well I'm still mad"Prim pouted and Ohm looked at her confused.


"She was the first girl you told everyone you would marry"Prim said.

"Well,then I'm mad too"Ohm said.


"You feed him fruits and called him your future husband at the first place"

"You also have that brat a rose"Prim said getting angry.

"But he gave you a bouquet of flowers"Ohm also raised his voice.

"It's because of you and YOU COOKED FOR HER"Prim yelled and stood up.


Quickly Yim and First came into the room and pulled them away. First took Ohm to his room and Yim took her to her room.

"What were you guys doing? Tomorrow is your wedding. Have you gone mad?"Yim asked to Prim.

"He started it"


"She got angry first"Ohm said and First sighed.

"Seriously? You know her, you should've been calm"First said and Ohm crossed his hands.


"Go and talk to him"Yim sad and Prim crossed her arms and Yim rubbed his temple.


Mr.Jutamat hugged Ohm and Ohm hugged him back. His mom was also happy.

"Ohm, your dad is outside. Go and invite him inside"Mr.Jutamat said and Ohm smiled widely and fastly went outside and hugged the man who was waiting for him.

"Dad, I thought you wouldn't come"Ohm said and he chuckled.

"How can I not come to my lovely Son's wedding"Mr.Guntithanon said and Ohm smiled.

"Come inside mom"he welcomed his father's wife.

The story is like this, Mr.Guntithanon is Ohm's biological father but his parents willingly divorced since they couldn't love eachother and His mother married Mr.Jutamat. Ohm stayed with his Mother and her new husband and called him dad, he also didn't disliked the woman Mr.Guntithanon later get married to. He accepted his biological parent's new partner's as his father so both his parents had no other issues with eachother.

Prim only knew this story 2 week ago when their marriage was fixed after the families meeting.


"Aren't you nervous?"Miriam asked Prim as she watched Earn doing her hair.

"Why would I be? I'm prepared"Prim winked and Earn chuckled.

"Your gown is so pretty.........your looking like a real princess"Someone said and they turned around to see Lisa and Jennie walking in with Bun and Tine.

"Wooowwww"both kids look up at her amazed.

"You look so so pretty Prim"Bun said and Prim patted her head smiling.

"Yeah,like an angel"Tine said and Everyone chuckled.

"Mother......."Prim hold Lisa's hand and Lisa instantly started crying.

"Awww aunty I doubt if Win is my mom's son, she's crying like him"Prim tried to joke and Jennie chuckled when Lisa playfully pinched Prim's hand.

"You look great dear"Jennie hugged Prim.

2GETHER TILL THE END [BOOK-2]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now