+26 {final}

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She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hip. He hold her in his grip tightly so she won't fall.

"Well how many babies should we create?"Ohm asked and Prim laughed.

"Aish Ohm you're not any better than our mothers. You're making it sound like we're some machines"

"Aren't we?"he smirked and she hit his chest playfully with one hand.

"You are not funny"she said and he laughed.

"I know right, so how many babies should we have for us to raise,love and take care of?"he asked and she sat in his grip like she's thinking about something and then showed him her 5fingers and his eyes widened.

"5? Baby are you sure?"he asked and she nodded vigorously.

"So Bun, Tine and Bear will have more friend's to play with and our house will never be silent....... always filled with laughs and happiness,it would be super fun"she grinned and he smiled at how adorable she is.

"5it is then"Ohm said and she kissed his forehead making him smile wider.

He sipped on his wine , thinking of the old times.

"Hey wait for me there okay? I swear if I see someone near you when I come there, I'll kill him and send him to hell"Ohm looked at the sky and said. He was enjoying some free time alone at the night staring at the starry sky.

"We shall fulfill your wishes there and I'll never let you go ever again from me once after I reach you again"he smiled a little and sighed.

Soon after he heard noises and laughs of his kids in the living room and he smiled getting up.

"Gotta go. Don't worry, they're full on full safe with me"he smiled and walked down.

"Daddy"they both saw him and ran to hug him tight.

But they weren't alone.

"Win?"Ohm looked behind and saw Win,Bear,Bun and Tine.

"Ah sorry Ohm. Didn't got the time to call you. But it's a sleepover"Win announced and it took Ohm by surprise.

"All of a s-sudden?"he asked.

"Bright had to go to Korea urgently. So he left. We haven't had a sleepover in a long time. So why not. We'll be here for a 3 or 4 days. I hope it'll not disturb you......"Win said and Ohm chuckled.

"Disturbance? What a joke. I'm happy to have you all here. She'll also be happy-"Everyone went silent and Ohm cleared his throat.

"I mean......get yourself comfortable around here. Oh Tine, you're here too?"

"Ah yes uncle my parents went abroad for some issues. I was alone at home and was about to go to a sleepover with Bun,but then she forced me to come here"he said a little bit feeling that Ohm didn't liked his presence.

"Aish,you sound like you're hesitant. Feel home man, have you all ate dinner?"he asked and everyone nodded.

"Then let's go to sleep for now and tomorrow let's plan what to do.Go go"Win said and the kids went upstairs.

"I'm sleeping in your room"Win said and Ohm nodded.

"Sure,why not"


"He can't sleep with you. Not in a million years"Sarawat crossed his hands and other three sighed.

"Why not? He's nice"Aria whinned but Sarawat was stern. It was Aria who wanted to sleep with Tine but Sarawat of course said no. It was a like the past repeating.......

"Baby, listen to your brother.....hm? We can play tomorrow with Bun in ground. Okay?"Tine whispered to Aria and she grinned.

"Okay then I'll sleep with P'wat"Aria finally agreed.

"Bun and I will sleep with P'Tine in your room. Is that okay Aria?"Bear asked.

"Yes of course"Aria said and Bun hugged them both and kissed their forehead.

"Good night babies. Sleep well. Come on Tine"Bun said and they went to their room as Aria went to Sarawat's room.


"Can't you do these things before laying down?"Tine asked annoyed and Bear was already asleep.

"I'm sorry okay. But I need water now"Bun demanded and Tine sat up.

"I'll kill you someday if this goes like this"He said and Bun grinned as she watched Tine get up from the bed and walked out of the door to the darkness.


"I'll get it for you"Sarawat ruffled Aria's hair and got up from bed and walked downstairs.

He was walking to the kitchen when he breath hitched seeing a shadow waddling it's way to the kitchen.

Sarawat hid behind a wall and watched the shadow closely.....he saw the light turned on and Tine standing there.

"What is he doing there at this hour?"Sarawat asked and walked up to there.

"What are you doing?"Sarawat asked from behind and Time flinched and the bottle slipped out from his grip. He was breathing heavily.

"Haish you brat, can't you make sound when you are walking?huh?"Tine asked as he tried to bring his Breathing to the normal pace.

"Do you really expect me to howl and cry when I'm walking around?"Sarawat crossed his hands and Tine have him a weird look.

"You know what, talking to you is useless"Tine said and picked up the bottle.

"I have the same to say"Sarawat rolled his eyes and took a step forward and stood close in front of Tine. Tine is taller so he have to look up anyways.
Tine's breathing stopped and he gulped down.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Stay away from my little sister or I won't even consider you being elder than me, I'll make sure you live the worst of your life"Sarawat warned and glared at him before getting a bottle of water and walking out fast.

"Shit! What is wrong with that boy really?"Tine cursed internally.

"Aren't you going to sleep? Or gonna daydream about what happened just now?"Tine looked up to see Win at the door.

"Y-you saw? Btw, aren't you sleeping uncle?"

"I saw and I am hungry. Do you want something to eat too?"Win walked in and looked at Tine who shook his head.

"N-no no, I'm going to room. Goodnight"Tine said and Win nodded his head.



Win took a bite of his food and sat there thinking.

"That just reminded me of what happened between me and P'Bright when we met first"Win talked to himself and chuckled a bit.

"Maybe they'll be a thing later.....what do you think Prim?"He looked outside of the window and saw the stars and smiled.

"You're here? I didn't saw you when I wake up in the middle of sleep"Ohm walked in and Win smiled.

"I was hungry. Do you want some?"Win offered but Ohm shook his head.

"No no, I'll just keep you company"

"You can sleep Ohm. I'm fine, I'll be right back"Win said but Ohm sat opposite to him.

"I'll just sit here............. it's been so long since I've had a company like this"Ohm smiled.

"Aish,you should call me whenever you want my time....... I'm always here for you hmmm?"Win scolded a little and Ohm chuckled and nodded.

.......THE END.......for now.......

2GETHER TILL THE END [BOOK-2]{Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz