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The cafe was packed in the very morning. It is quite impressive for a cafe which opened only a week ago. He walked into the cafe and found a empty table in the very corner of the shop. Making his way there,he placed down his bag there and sat down there waiting for someone to take his order.

"Where is rose?"The boss of the the shop asked to her waiter.

"She texted me sometime ago saying she got stuck in traffic. Will be a 10 or 15min late"her staff answered and she sighed.

"Okay I'll fill up her space"she said and took the pad to jot down the order and walked to the person who just arrived.

"Excuse me sir, what can I get for you?" She asked and the man turned his head to look at the very very familiar voice. The voice he have been longing to hear all these year's. The reason why he's here at the first place.....

She looked at him and their eyes locked. Their eyes shined and his heartbeat increased.

"E-earn?"It was just a whisper but she smiled widely.

"Fong? Woooww.......I didn't expected you here. Oh sorry. Professionalism. What can I get for you sir?"she quickly changed her voice and he chuckled.

"You haven't changed a bit"he said and she smiled.

"Babeeee"someone called out and hugged her from behind and his eyes widened.......why is he always late?

"Don't babe me girl. You're always late"Earn jokingly scolded and the girl chuckled.

"I'm sorry boss. But the traffic was terrible"she smiled cutely and Earn smiled back.

"Whatever Rose. Now go,get changed and get at work. I've got this one"Earn said and she saluted to her and the girl ran away after giving her a peck on cheek.

Earn sighed and shook her head with a smile.

"S-she's your......"

"Girlfriend?"Earn asked back and he nodded.

"Lol. No. She's someone else's girlfriend and that someone else is my own little sister"Earn said and Fong sighed in relief.

"Oh you must be busy......what can I get for you Fong?"


"Sure. Is it fine if I visit you later? When will you be free?"

"Hmmmmm sure........the cafe usually close at 7pm if it's not packed at that time. If there are students learning here at that time, we'll wait till they finish studying"she smiled.

"That's so kind of you. Okay then I'll see you later"


"I'll come again later. Save it for then"He said and got up to give her a quick hug and he took his bag and left. She stood there blushing and taking in everything happened.


"Go faster"Achara said and laughed as she sat on top of Ohm who was on his four acting like a ride for her and walking round in Win's office.

Win facepalmed seeing the both and laughed a bit before taking a pic of them and sending it to Bright.


Bright just finished a meeting and he got a picture text from Win which made him smile at his happy is his daughter.

"Hey Mark, what are my next agendas for today?"

"Today? You're free for 4hours and then you have an online meeting"Mark said and Bright nodded.

"Thanks Mark"Bright smield and Mark nodded with a smile.

Bright took out his phone to text Win.


"Kids,listen to me once"Win said and finally Achara and Ohm have their attention on him.

"Ohm,can you take care of Achara for next few hours. I'm going out"Win said checking after that he don't have a busy day.


"Will you be fine with it Bun?"

"Only if you let me call Prim"she crossed her hands and Win send a number to Ohm's phone.

"Ohm that's her aunt Prim's number. Call her for Bun when she want to. I'm leaving now"He stood up to hug his daughter and kiss her forehead which she returned to him too.

"Bye mommyyy"she waved her hands and he waved at her and walked out.

"Call her now"Achara demanded and Ohm chuckled and dialled her number.


They sat down on the park bench holding each other's hands.

Win put his head on Bright's shoulder and a smile on both of their lips.

"Life is moving forward really fast"Bright said and Win just nodded. It was really nice to hear Bright talk to him.

"Just like yesterday we got married forced...... started falling in love......the things I done to get away from you are funny now........then we admitted feelings for each other's.....you confessed about the blessing God gave you......we were together,in everything......you got pregnant......I spent months alone with you and our little bun who was then in your womb, the beautiful days of my life.......and then she born......I was so scared that day and I only came back normal after knowing you twonare fine.......and like in a blink of eyes, she's now 4years old....... we're growing older too"Bright said remembering every events in their life and Win smiled.

"And we're growing old together"Win said and Bright smiled.

"One day Bun will find the one for her and we'll be alone together again.......but we'll move into a new house"Bright said and Win look up at him.

"New house?"

"Let's go"Bright said and hold Win's hand's and pulled him to the car.

They drive for more that 1hour and they talked about different things, sang for each other.

Bright pulled up the car in front of a big gate........he opened the door for Win to get down and some people opened the door for them......(these is an inspired scene but not the exact one)

It was a big ground with nothing but many workers working......they were planting flowers and trees. Win looked around.

"Hmmmm........a new house away from all these busy ambience......a place in middle of flowers and trees.......a not so big house,with you and me"Bright smiled and took Win's hand in his palms.

"Happy Anniversary love"Bright whispered and kissed Win's forehead. Win's eyes welled up with tears.

"O-did I just forgot that?"Win's voice cracked and Bright hugged him.

"If I remember it it's like we both remembering it because half of your soul is in me and half of mine is in you"Bright caressed his back. And Win pulled away to kiss him with love and care.

"Seven years.......seven years we were together P'Bright. After confessing you never let me down......you made me happy, treated me and our daughter like the most precious things in the world-"

"Because you are"Bright cut in.

"You both are the most precious gems in this world, for me. We stood together.....in downs and raise......this life wouldn't have been this beautiful if we looked in different directions......even when I hurted you you still hold on to me.......lookeat the same direction together......went through everything together........it wouldn't have been possible if we weren't together.......I love you Win"Bright speaker from his heart.

"I love you more P'Bright"Win hugged him.

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