Chapter 20:

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Jungkook woke up from the light coming out from his window. He opened his eyes noticing that he's not in his own room. His head is spinning due to the pain he feels as a result of too much alcohol he had taken last night.

Not long enough, the doctor came inside his room. She smiled brightly towards him as she approaches him.

"Mr. Jeon, am I right?"-She asked still smiling.

"Y-yeah... Um. Perhaps, can you tell me how did I ended up being at the hospital?"-he asked seriously.

"Let's say, you were drunk. Got robbed and almost got killed... Greatly, Mr. Kim brought you here."-she explained not wanting to look at Jungkook in his eyes.

"Mr. Kim_____?"-he asked unconsciously.

"Mr. Kim Namjoon."-she stated. "Okay! You're seem fine now. All we need to do is wait for the results of your test, then you're free to be discharged."

"Wait!___* he looks hesitating at first* Where did he go? I mean, Namjoon hyung... Do you know where he is?"-he asked.

"I... He left already. He also said that_____ if you are wasting your time for alcohol and girls at the bar, you shouldn't waste your time anymore here. He says that, if you want to die, you can just simply jump off the cliff so he won't be able to rescue you... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be the one to tell this to you, especially because I'm a doctor... But. I've known my cousin for a long time, and I'm concerned about him. And as, what I can see he really cares for you."-Nayeon says. "Life is too short. For some, who wanted to live longer for their loved ones, each moment is as precious as a gem... So please,_____ try to take care if yourself. Live your life. I'll be going now."-she smiles again before he came out of Jungkook's room.

For a moment, Jungkook is just staring at the ceiling blankly. Maybe, that doctor's words hit him really hard. Then all the thoughts about what Jimin has said that night, flashes back in his memory.

He felt guilty, but at the same time. He can't bring himself to call Jimin and for the last time confirmed it all. Maybe, he was just so broken and hurt by Taehyung's words during their last meeting. It left him another deep scar. So no one can judge him, on how he thinks and acts. He was blinded by hatred and pain.

1 day before the wedding day:

"Are you really leaving Korea now?"-Namjoon asked for nth time to Jin who is holding Taehyung's hands while Jimin is the one who is pushing his wheelchair.

"Don't be so dramatic, Joon. It's not like we'll not be back. We'll be back. Right Taehyungie? After his operation. We'll be back. So don't worry... And, stop crying already. You look ugly."-Jin teases Namjoon.

"If only I can move my concert. Ughh! I should have been traveling with you. I'm sorry."-he pouted.

"Namjoon hyung, don't be sorry. We'll surely be back. We'll make sure of it. Okay?"-Jimin comforted his hyung.

Namjoon hugged Taehyung for the last time. And though the latter looks so weak and sick already, he still managed to put on a smile for his hyung.

Time skip~

Wedding day:

Jungkook and Lisa is standing side by side now. They are about to take their vows. Jungkook is sweating a lot. It's not because of the pain he got from yesterday's incident. But something inside his heart is making him restless. His own heart is torturing him.

Lisa had ended her wedding vow already. It's Jungkook's turn now. He looked at Lisa for a while. Then at the priest in front of him. Then, his own words echoed inside his head.

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