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Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook to receive his award on stage for his graduation as he is one of the top students of their class. He is so proud of Jungkook, there's no doubt with that. But deep inside his heart, everything is just killing him slowly. The thought of him, leaving his beloved boy friend, his first love, great love and everything else because he had no choice at all. It hurts him so much. It serves as a great torture for him. He looked at Jungkook who is now receiving his award.

"Just this once."-he whispered to himself.

Nonetheless, he tried his best to put on such a big smile when Jungkook came to reach for his award and took some photos of him. Taehyung did not waste anytime and took pictures of his lover multiple times. Jungkook had spotted him and so he waved towards him happily while going out of the stage down towards his co-graduates.

Taehyung replied with a smile full of pain. He waved back and had make sure for Jungkook to finally sit himself, before Taehyung finally let out such a deep sigh and turned his back away from the person he loved to take his step away and left the place to never come see his lover ever again.

His tears are dripping down his face continuously, like how the rain pours down.

"Goodbye, Jungkook... I hope, you see the right person for you...*he whispers to himself* I'm so sorry that I have to leave you, in one of the most memorable days in your life. I hope,... Someday you could still give and find me a place in your heart to forgive me. But I'm not going to wish for you to forgive me knowing this all. I'll never forgive myself for doing this to you, this will always haunt me, but. I... I wish for you to forget me fully, and have a nice life. Nicer than anyone else. A life that is opposite to the step that I'll take... I love you, Jeon Jungkook."-he said to himself as each steps of him becomes heavier than ever.

Without anymore further words being said. Without looking back even once to the person whom he dearly loved, he got inside to the black car and drove away from the venue. He could only pray for Jungkook to take everything lightly and move on from him.

For once in his life, he decided for himself. Is it really, for himself or it's for the person he doesn't want to hurt more because of the reality?

For once, he felt that his decision fucks up. Perhaps, without even seeing the results of this grand decision of him he feels like regretting his decision as the venue from Jungkook's graduation ceremony is becoming distanced and distanced away from his own sight, until he could no longer see it. The distance tells him that, there's no more coming back. But he knew it. Better than anyone else. He knew what's coming. But this decision, he doesn't want to regret it all.

He smiled bitterly towards himself as he watches the tears streaming down his face. He's afraid and in real pain right now. But for him, there's nothing that could be any harder and painful than leaving behind your loved ones. Especially, the one who keeps him alive.

"Wait for me, Jungkook... Please~"-that's the last word he said to himself before finally taking the long journey of his life. Perhaps, it is a promise made for himself to be fulfilled once in the future, if given the chance to return.

But could this promise be given the chance to be fulfilled? What if, everything is only a painful memories of the past in the present, which the other one really wants to forget? Can there be any second chance for them?

He closes his eyes. Knowing that everything now won't be the same anymore. Everything is yet to change. A change that'll strike their hearts, especially of his heart that has been shattered now and will always be broken down to pieces.

His own world fell apart, in his own eyes. But he can't do anything to save himself from drowning. He let's himself, to be carried away by his own decisions.

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