Chapter 7:

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Jungkook's POV:

Later that night, after changing into a much comfortable clothes. I went to the hospital to watch him, as he is still sleeping. Questions are floating inside my mind. I'm anxious. What if, what if everything was all just a dream? What if, he says that...

I was interrupted when he opened  his eyes and stared at me intently.

"Taehyung___ y-you're aw-awake..."- I uttered unable to find the right word and question.

He just stared at me. With his dark brown orbs. Then, it was full of silence. It's as if, I'm inside a room where I can't do anything else but to stare. It's a staring competition to be precised.

Then suddenly he tried to move his body. He is now sitting down, and based on my feel he is going to stand. For a while, I was not able to do anything. But after seeing him, trying to take away those devices away in his body. That's when I came back to my own thoughts. I gripped his hands to stop him from moving.

"What are you doing?!"- I almost shouted.

I don't really know what gotten into me. Maybe, I was just caught up with those questions rising up in my mind.

"I... *He looked down as he bite his upper lips* I need to do it..."-he said almost cracking up.

I was dumbfounded at first.

"Are you crazy?! You're not yet well. You can't do it now."- I said angrily, as I tightened up my gripped in his hand without realizing it.

"Th-then... Let me just see my hyung. I... I want to be sure that... That he's not..."

"Huh?"- I smirked at his words.

It pains me, so he really believed that I'll do it? Is that how worse type of person you see me, Tae?

"Is that the reason you wanted to go out? Do you really believe that!"- I realized that I was shouting too loud.

And when I looked at his face, I saw fear in his eyes. His expression is full of sadness and fear.

Ughhh! I don't know anymore. I hate myself! I hate myself that I can't even hurt him. I hate myself that I am hurting him, in some ways or at least in every ways. When it comes to Taehyung, I wasn't certain of everything else. When it comes to Taehyung, all of the logical reasons that I have inside me flies away in a flash of thunder, just by seeing him hurt or in pain... When it comes to Taehyung, I easily forgot all the reasons to hate him, just by calling my name.

"I---- I don't know what----?"-he was out of words. That's for sure. He is sad.

It hurts me whenever I see him crying or this sad. Without  needing to think further, I held him in my arms, I pulled him in my tight and warm embrace. I can feel his heart beat, as for my heart beat. I don't care anymore if he can hear it clearly. I just need this badly. This moment.

To feel his warmth again.

To be this close to him...

And to hugged him, once more.

It's like a dream I used to have but only comes as a nightmare. But now, I know. It's not a dream anymore. I can feel it. I can hear his loud sobs, and his hands that is fisting my shirt.

"Just this once~"- its a whisper that  just came out of my mouth without thinking.

I can feel my heart beating so fast, I am nervous. What if, he denied it. What if, he just chooses to leave me hanging there just like before?

I sighed deeply...

I don't care anymore. I don't care if I sound pathetic or whatsoever. I don't care, if this decision of mine might seem to be selfish and demanding. I don't care if I sound so bad, just by making up this decision... But just one more. One more chance...

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