Chapter 9:

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Jungkook's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly feeling the same kind of overflowing emotion. That, euphoric feeling of being with the person you truly loved.

He sleeps peacefully, like an angel.

Did you meant it? Have you really not regretted leaving me? Did you really meant leaving? why do you have to hurt me as always?

I cupped his face and caress it. My eyes became wet, as I am looking at him in his peaceful nap.

Can____ can we really not go back to where we used to be? C-can't we not become selfish for once? I... I want to hold you tightly, just like before. To feel your love again...

Then he started to move as the sunlight hits his face. And so I decided to cover it by blocking the sunlight as I moved my head up. Now, I can have a much better look at his ethereal beauty. But suddenly he moved his eyes... His eyes is full shot opened, may be he's shocked by our well____ it's a little bit weird position as I'm only an inches away from him.

He blushed a little bit. But he looked away after that. I cleared my throat to cool down the tension between us.

"Umm... I'll... I'll go to the bathroom. You? I mean, you can also go to take a bath.*he looked at me kinda surprised* I mean, go to your room, to take a bath. Hmmm! Uhm... *I stand up and went to the bathroom only to look behind again* Better be ready for our d-date."-then I went inside. I just face-palmed myself coz I don't really understand why do I have to stuttered in front of him.

Time skip~

After taking a bath. I went down to the kitchen to drink some water, after all I don't think that he had done taking a bath already.

Someone tapped my shoulder, and to my surprised it was Yoongi hyung. Well, I'm surprised that he isn't sleeping this time.

"H-hyung? You're not asleep?"- I teased him.

"Yaah~ kid, I'm still your hyung... Anyway, what happened between you two? Did you two did something stuff in your room last night?"

I looked at him, still processing what is he talking about.

Then I finally got it.

"Hyung, that's not what you're thinking about... Believe it or not... Taehyung and I_____ we're nothing. It's complicated hyung. But I'll explain everything after he finishes the things that he had to do."

"You mean, after one week? Kid, it's not that I'm against in your decision. Afterall, Taehyung has been a great friend for me too before. But____ but you shouldn't let yourself be hurt again by your own choices and decisions. You're not being wise afterall, Jungkook."-he said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"I don't know what's going on between you two. I don't know what's inside your mind, but this thing won't work out well. Trust me... You two will only make it worst for yourselves. Do you think, meeting your ex doing some date with him would make everything better?... Jungkook, you're about to marry someone else. As for him, I don't believe that he really got his memory lost. Look, whatever you're doing now, it's not because I don't trust you. But I want you to stop it now, coz I don't want to see how devastated you are again... Because of him."- he drunk his water as he tapped my shoulder once more.

"I... I want to make him suffer."- I said out of nowhere.

Yoongi hyung looked at me intently.

"I want him to feel the pain he'd caused in my life. I want him to suffer just like me... If he's really trying to fool us all over again, I'll make sure that after everything else... He regrets his decision of ever, coming back."

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