Chapter 6:

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Jungkook's POV:

This is a nice timing then. Lisa will not be able to go to the wedding venue to check it out for some personal problems of her which I don't really care. But... Let's just say, I have great plans, waiting for Kim Taehyung.

I smirked at my own evil thoughts playing inside my mind. I can't wait to see him devastated and ruined.

Just what he deserves.

I'll make sure to show you how, I play games... Kim Taehyung.

Well, I've been inside the hotel for more than hours. I'm just looking at him secretly as he keeps on waiting for me and Lisa to arrive at the hotel. This is making me happy... Seeing him this anxious and annoyed.

After awhile, I saw him standing up after reading the probably text message from Lisa, informing him about it all. Now, he is talking with someone on his phone. That's when I decided to approach him, acting clueless.

I heard him saying...

"Jin hyung, I need you here. Please. Come here. I don't want to go alone to the wedding venue. Please hyung. Just this once. Please~ I don't want to go with Jungko---?"

I cut him off immediately by interrupting his phone call.

"Hmm! Uhmm-hmmm!... Are you talking to me, Mr. Kim? And... Why you don't want to go with me?"

He was literally startled by my sudden appearance, as if he just saw a ghost. I laughed inside at his sudden expression. He stuttered as he tried to deny his words. Nonetheless, I just let it go and acted as the most arrogant boss in front of him.

We finally reached the area. Well, it's a long journey. He's totally avoiding me, and when he fell asleep before we reached the venue. I can't help myself but to adore him.

Fuck! Jungkook, you shouldn't be feeling this way. Remember, he____ he caused you too much pain. You should never feel the same feelings towards him again. That's right!... You're only doing this, because...

He suddenly woke up and he protested to be put down, and without hesitating as I feel a little bit hurt by his action, I just let go of him without any words and proceeded to ride on the boat.

Did he really forgot me? Taehyung... Am I really just a stranger to you?  Coz ... You're never gone inside my heart... You're the reason, the only reason why I can't... Love anyone else.

I wore my sunglasses to hide my emotions within and to avoid his gaze. After reaching the island, just like what's on my original plan. I commanded him to search the area.

I smirked at him before he decided to go for himself.

Tsk... Tsk... Tsk...

Now, you'll know how it feels like to be played the whole time. To make you feel like, everything will be okay, but the truth is not. It will never be. Coz, the damage had been done already, so there's no more coming back.

After more 23 minutes, he came back with his red puffed eyes. The first thing that I noticed is the hesitation and fear drawn in his face.

He approaches with a bothered expression.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm sorry. There's a... Small problem... Umm. But don't you worry, we'll take care of everything. I'll____ I'll just contact my broth---"

"What problem are you talking about?!"- I acted angrily though inside I'm having a grand feast. My plan did really worked. Just look at his expression. I couldn't help but to curved my lips into smirked form coz if not, may be I couldn't help but smile .

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