Chapter 5:

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Taehyung's POV:

I went to my fashion clothing studio. Well, as for now. Jin hyung and I share the same studio as, we have to work together for Jungkook's wedding.

We both are preparing everything else in harmony. But one thing is for sure. My Jin hyung, he doesn't know a thing, I mean a single thing. Coz, he grew up at USA. He never knew about my past relationship, and neither knew about my real situation and condition. And I want to keep it that way. Obviously, I don't want him to feel sorry or bothered.

It's Wednesday today.

28th day before the wedding~

Jungkook and Lisa is scheduled to meet with me at the HYBE Hotel for the final attachments of their wedding outfits like some  sorts of the wedding design and also to go to the venue of the wedding coz, Jin hyung can't make it so he asked me to take care of his job for him. And now, as expected. I am waiting almost 2 hours in the hotel's lobby, waiting for the two.

Ughhh! It is really pissing me off. They always kinda late, and I don't want to assume things. I mean, if it's Jungkook's idea. Then maybe, it's true. My guess is true but, if both of them are late. I don't really know what's taking them so late. But don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous or anything. I'm just... They're just wasting my time. It's already 1:35 PM yet, they are nowhere to be found from this grand hotel.

I decided to look for my phone, probably to contact Ms. Manoban.

When I turned on my phone, I was speechless for the messages that I just received. It says:


This is Lisa. Sorry, I can't make it Taehyung-ssi. I have some career to fix abroad this day or at least a week. You know, working on my contracts to be expired. I hope you understand.


Ohhh! And, by the way. Jungkook he'll be the one who's going with you to the venue. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I know he's annoying. But, he's good. He's romantic inside, so I hope you can work it out. Maybe, you two could make a better best friends. I mean, it's kinda radiating from you two.


He'll be late for awhile. Please understand. Bye:>

Is this woman for real? Is she fuckin serious?! Jungkook?! He'll be the only one who's going with me to the Jeju island? Wait?!!! That's a big No! No! I have to call Jin hyung.

I dialed his number.

Please pick it up.

Jin hyung, please. Just this once.

Jungkook is gonna be the end of me. I swear. I... I just don't want to do anything about him right now. I don't really have the courage to talk to him. Not this time that I know my place in his life. I don't want my heart to feel the pain again. Please, don't let me meet him before the wedding. Please~

Jin hyung finally answered his phone!

"Taehyung-ah~ what is it? Are you done alrea---"

"Jin hyung, I need you here. Please. Come here. I don't want to go alone to the wedding venue. Please hyung. Just this once. Please~ I don't want to go with Jungko---?"

"Hmm! Uhmm-hmmm!... Are you talking about me, Mr. Kim? And... Why you don't want to go with me?"-the voice from my back almost startled the shit out of me. I almost threw my phone out of the hotel.

I smiled awkwardly towards him.

"Taehyung-ah... What is it really? You know I'm busy, right? Yaah____ Taehyung.... Taehyung-ah, speak now or I'll put this down?... Taetae?... Okay fine. Bye. I'll leave it to you. I trust you."-and his phone hanged up.

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