Chapter 16:

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After that day, Taehyung was unconscious for 1 night and half day. Greatly, nothing bad has happened to him. When he first woke up, Jin was the first to enveloped him into a tight hug.

"Pabo! Why did you hurt yourself?!*he cries* I thought, I'd lose you. Do you have any idea, about how worried I was?... For a moment, I thought of jumping off the cliff. I said to myself that, that if you didn't survive this... It's better to end my life too."- he continues to sob while hugging Taehyung.

"I'm sorry... "

That's the only words he was able to uttered since, his brother is hugging him tight enough making him to be unable to speak more.

"H-hyung I can't b-breathe."

"What?! Omo~! I'm sorry....*he now let go of Taehyung as he sat on the empty chair near to Taehyung. Why did you do it? Do you really hate me that much, for you to do such thing?"

"Hyung, I don't hate you okay? Even if, you're the weirdest hyung that I ever have. I still love you... So stop crying already, you're looking ugly."- Taehyung teases his brother.

"Yaah~! Don't be rude to your hyung, TaeTae... You can't see my face, that's why you forgot how handsome I am right? I'm the WWH y'know?"-he teases back.

They ended up laughing and forgetting about the topic that they're talking about. Maybe,in some another time.

Meanwhile, Namjoon is now sitting across Jimin at the fast food section at the said hospital building where Taehyung is admitted.

But something is bothering him really hard. Which is clearly did not go unnoticed with Jimin's radar. He just knew Namjoon well. Especially when he's worried, afraid or feeling in love. And now, he doesn't feel okay with his how he reacts, talks and how he acts.

There's something off with Namjoon hyung. I should definitely try to know it.

"Namjoon hyung."- I tried to call out his name for almost 5 times now. But still no response."Hyung!"- I tapped his shoulder.

"U-uh... What is it?"-he absentmindedly asked.

"Do you have any problem? Or... Do you want to say anything to me?"

Namjoon just stared at the floor, then to Jimin. After the long silence. Namjoon, finally had spoken.

"It's about Taehyung."

"What is it? Is something bothering him?"

"Actually... This is a secret between us. But_____ I think, both if you and Jin deserves to know about this one."-he stated seriously.

"Okay?... What is it all about?"Jimin asked nervously.

"It's about Jungkook."


"Remember last time when, when we went out? He said that we'll be going out at the park?_____  The truth is, we did not only went out to look around the park. He also begged for me to bring him to see Jungkook."

"What?! And why would he do such thing?..."

"I don't know the reason either. But after meeting Jungkook. He was left crying by Jungkook. We drove home, and he was so broken that time. He confessed that, Jungkook backed away from their deal and would never want to wear his wedding design outfit for him... Taehyung pleaded Jungkook, but it's of no use."

"You're lying right? I mean, he never knew about that______ so, are you saying that he. He actually knew about the news of Jungkook cancelling the partnership? But how?!"-Jimin asked with such a worried expression.

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