-Sebastian's POV-

As I arrived, I looked to my left to see a few members of the pack sitting on a ledge in their wolf form

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As I arrived, I looked to my left to see a few members of the pack sitting on a ledge in their wolf form. They watched me silently as I approached. Walking up the porch stairs of Marco's cabin, I was greeted and allowed to enter. The moment I stepped through the door, Ludovica came over to greet me with a hug. I returned the gesture and looked over to Marco sitting in his chair in the living room area. He bid me welcome and to come forward, so I did as I was asked and knelt in reverent submission before him. "Sebastian, have a drink. How are things inside the city limits? I hope you have been doing well with your teaching at the university," Marco asked me as he poured me a glass of whiskey. "To be honest, not very well at all as of recent events. I have come to ask for the aid of the pack in rescuing Lydia." "I heard rumors, but prayed they were nothing more than just rumors. Tell me, is it true she was taken by a shifter?" "Yes, it is true. He was someone from her past she tried to escape from. Somehow, he found her..." I then brought Marco and everyone else, who was present at the time, up to date on the whole story, as well as the details of her abduction and current location. Everyone there listened intently until I was finished with my tale. Ludovica gasped when I spoke about all the bruises visible on Lydia's body in the vision I had.

By the time I was done talking, everyone was clenching their fists and sharing in my grief and anger. Ludovica turned to Marco with determination, saying, "Marco, darling, Lydia assisted in my rescue from the Templars. We must return the favor. It is the least we can do." Marco looked up at her from where he sat and smiled. "I know, my love. You would not be here if it wasn't for Lydia." He then turned his head toward me and spoke, "We will fight with you and the Bartholys once again." He then ordered the pack to prepare for the journey overseas, and for those staying behind to strengthen defenses. "Oh, and Sebastian..." "Yes, Marco?" "Rest assured we will get her back. Also, I have known for some time now how much you care for Lydia. Use that anger inside you in the fight. Do not let it distract or consume you," he ended with encouragement. "Yes, of course. Thank you, Marco," I answered genuinely. "It has been boring since that night we saved my wife, so thank you for giving us the opportunity to get some action again," he exclaimed in response as he stood up from his chair to walk me out.

While Marco and I walked out to stand by my bike, I pulled my phone out to give Nicolae a call again. "Yes, Jones, what is the plan?" "We are on board and will be ready to leave whenever you all are." "Excellent news! I will inform Peter and Drogo of the good news. We will be flying out as soon as possible. Though, I suggest we travel separately so as to not attract unwanted attention." "Agreed. I will travel with a few of our pack, who will be joining us, in the next day or so and then we can meet up with you and your brothers somewhere in Scotland." "That is the plan then. Thank you again for this and please send our thanks to Marco and everyone else for their assistance." "Yes, I will do that. Goodbye for now," I stated before hanging up the phone and putting it back in my pocket.

Marco spoke up, claiming, "You do not have to worry about telling me what you spoke about with Nicolae. I heard every word, and we will leave tomorrow morning." "Yes, of course. Let me know when you leave for the airport tomorrow and I will meet you all there." "Get home safely and sleep well tonight, Sebastian. We will have Lydia home within a week." I smiled and replied, "I know we will. Thank you for accepting this mission." "Lydia may not be a wolf, but I think of her as a part of this family for what she did for Ludovica and me." As if she heard her name being spoken aloud, Ludovica walked out on the porch and waved at me and yelled goodbye and good night. "Good night," I said to Marco as I climbed onto my Harley and put my helmet on. Starting up the engine, I turned and waved back at Ludovica before taking off.

Soon after leaving, I was out on the main road headed for home. When I arrived I parked the bike and walked in. Taking a deep breath after closing the door behind me, I sighed out loud as I exhaled. I moved my way through to my bedroom and got myself ready for bed. Laying down, I couldn't fall asleep right away like I usually could. My mind was racing with the images of Lydia looking so broken emotionally from all the abuse inflicted upon her. Images I wished I had never seen, nor ever wanted to see again. I was afraid to fall asleep because of them, fearing they would appear once more. Speaking to myself out loud before I finally drifted off to sleep, I whispered, "We must... and we will succeed at all costs... Lydia, please hold on a little longer. We are coming...."


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