Chapter 21

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December came quickly with the last day of our first semester passing. Eight of us students from Myths and Legends class were chosen. Peter and I had finished packing our things for the trip and headed to the university's parking lot where we were to meet with the others. We soon found ourselves on a plane with Professor Jones, heading our way across the Atlantic. We each shared an excitement for what was to come. Sarah decided to sit in the window seat, Peter sat in the aisle seat, while I sat in between them. Knowing we would be exhausted, we were handed pillows to rest comfortably. Peter and I shared earbuds to listen to some Classical music during our journey. The flight was long, but thankfully, relatively quiet. As the hours passed by, we were accommodated with snacks, drinks, and even a full course meal.

Even though we flew Coach, it was still more peaceful and relaxing than any other time I had been on a plane. A while after eating, I drifted off to sleep still listening to the music and leaning on Peter's shoulder. When I woke again the plane was slowly descending, prepping for a landing at its destination at Fiumicino International Airport. Grabbing our carry-on bags out of the cubbies above the seats, we headed for the exit. The young flight attendant thanked everyone on board and bid us farewell as we passed her by the front exit doorway of the plane. Professor Jones made sure he had a head count of all eight of us students before letting us proceed down the terminal. Everyone was eager to get our luggage and head to the hotel we were staying at to rest the remaining hours we had left of the night.

Standing near the luggage pickup area, one by one, we saw our suitcases appear on the conveyor belt. When I went to reach for mine Peter grabbed the handle before I could and pulled it off the moving platform. I smiled and shook my head at him. Peter just smiled and started to walk towards the window to stand out of the way while waiting for everyone else to get their bags. Following close behind, I then leaned against the wall for support since I was so exhausted. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a brief moment. By the time I opened my eyes again, Professor Jones had returned from the car rental area. He had procured a van to rent for the whole week for all of us to fit in. Riding through the streets at night and seeing all the beautiful scenery woke me up. All the modernized buildings and street lamps were lit up, the view fascinating. Soon the hotel was in view. The grand establishment was no mere cheap motel. It was a luxurious five-star hotel with six floors. A place where you would expect rich business people or celebrities to stay at.

	As the van came to a stop under the carport in front of the entrance, the doors were opened on both sides by young men dressed in hotel uniforms, who helped us out of the vehicle and welcomed us in Italian

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As the van came to a stop under the carport in front of the entrance, the doors were opened on both sides by young men dressed in hotel uniforms, who helped us out of the vehicle and welcomed us in Italian. They collected our bags out of the trunk and placed them on carts. Both of them guided us inside while the valet took care of parking the van. We were led to the reception desk where the hotel receptionist looked up from her computer, smiling, and greeted us. Speaking to Professor Jones, she said, "Buonasera. Benvenuti all'Hotel de Russie." He smiled and replied, "Buonasera. Il mio nome è Sebastian Jones. Ho la registrazione per me e i miei studenti."

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