First off....

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Okay, well I haven't really written one shots before so I hope everyone can go easy on me. If you have watched Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and Kuroko no Basuke, you will probably know most of the characters, right? Well the characters from both animes will be varied in my one shots. Free! will probably start off first.

Also a little note... If I take forever to update, please send me a virtual punch and tell me to move my butt and write. The reason: I'm either watching anime, reading manga, listening and dancing to music or I'm doing homework. The last two stories I did, I gave up because I couldn't make them interesting. I had writers block so I pretty much gave up.

So if anyone has any requests for a one shot I will try and write the story for you. 😄 I will be writing the first couple then if anyone, ANYONE, reads this I will be over the moon.
So please read, no hate and enjoy!
Rebexii ❤️

Edit: 2015 me was such a cheery person omg

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