Chapter 18: Secrets

Start from the beginning

He sighed, "Okay, give me a few minutes to pack".

I nodded, and watched him walk upstairs. I wondered what he knew about the message, but was too worried about my dads well-being to put much more thought into to. The Fae would say I was too trusting in my human; but Owen had a confidence about him when he spoke that already started to reassure me. Not long after he came down with a bag, and opened the door. He paused and looked at me with the open door in his hand.

"Let's go" he nodded and allowed me to fly out first before I followed him to his car.

He opened the car door and held up a hand to allow me to enter first. I flew in and sat on the 'dashboard' if front the wall of glass.

He climbed in after me and we drove off. I sat there as we rode in silence for about an hour before I decided to speak up.

I glanced back at him, "So.. do you know where we need to go"?

"Well Victoria, is in British Columbia.. which is what I think B.C. stands for", he said calmly.

I felt like I would have been hopeless without him. It took him minutes to decode a message that I didn't understand at all... Another minute of silence passed.

"I'm sorry," I started, as I turned towards him and hung my legs off the edge. "I am sorry for being difficult these past few weeks".

He glanced down at me.

"Can you tell me what is really going on with you now"? His tone was low with understanding.

I just looked away. As frank as I have been with him, stating it out straight seemed like a great way to scare him.

"So, who is Mark then"? He changed the subject noting my discomfort.

"Mark has been my friend here for months now. He lives by the shore".

"I thought it was only a few times. You've been flying to the shore? Alone? For Months"? He questioned with worry.

I nodded, "Yeah... I flew there to meet Meeks, and that's when I met Mark as well".

"And why didn't you tell me about this Ri"?

I sighed. "I tried, but you were busy or.. distracted. I actually set up a few days to introduce you guys", I trailed off.

It was his turn to sigh, "but I cancelled".

I replied with a nod and looked back up at him. His face was dark, the only light from the other cars passing by.

"Ri, I'm sorry too. I guess I've just been distracted more than normal".

"I know", I said and turned around towards the glass wall, "but really, none of it matters right now. I have to find my dad... and ..."

"and what"?

"and, I will need to take him home to Avalon".

"that's.. the first time I heard you refer to Avalon as home in a long time.... You're not leaving are you"?

I couldn't bring myself to answer him. But my silence was answer enough. How could I tell him that I didn't want to watch him be with someone else? How could I stay here?

"I don't know if I'd stay in Avalon long, the Earth is a big place. There's so much for me to see".

"Do you really hate Lee so much that you can't even stick around here anymore"?

I huffed in frustration, "I don't hate her Owen... I... I don't like sharing".

He laughed, "sharing"?

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