He looked up into the tree behind him skeptically for a brief moment before returning his attention back to the seed. I darted into the cherry tree, quietly picking a cherry, and then holding it out ready to drop while stifling a giggle.

Three, two... drop. The cherry plummeted downwards only to bounce off Owens head. I dashed behind some leaves as he froze.

"Alright, Ri", he chuckled out, looking up in my direction. I covered my mouth with a giggle and remained hidden. I peaked out to see him set down the bag of seed, and then walk towards the house.

What?  Was he really so quick to give up?  I scratched my head in contemplation. He disappeared around the corner where the door was, and I heard the sound of the door open and close.

"Really"? I said softly, my wings drooped but a moment before they carried me towards the door.

I rounded the corner and "RAH"!

I screeched as my wings faltered briefly, not expecting him to be hiding around the corner. I was quick to dive into the brush 6 feet behind me. I hid there and I huffed and wheezed trying to catch my breath as my hand covered my racing heart. A smile grew slowly on my face, as I heard Owen belt out in laughter.

"Oh I'm sorry, Ri", He laughed out his words, "I didn't think you get that  scared".

I floated out of the brush landing atop the stone bench, and bent over trying to catch my breath with a smile.

"You.." I huffed with a pointed finger, "that was a good one", I said breathlessly standing up moving my hands to my hips.

He chuckled to himself as he made his way over to the bench and knelt in front of me. "Are you alright"? His concern was lightened by his highly amused tone.

I nodded with a smile still trying to catch my breath, "Whew".

"So, what's up", He said with a light-hearted pitch still showing remnants of laugh.

"I..", I huffed, "Wanted to... ask your help with something", I forced the words out. My breath just starting to catch and return to normal.


"I really appreciate you helping me", I said loudly and hovered a little further away from Owen as he stumbled over a rock. He caught himself athletically, and looked down behind him with a small scowl as if to tell the rock not to do it again.

"Yeah", he said breathily and then looking up to me, "what are friends for"? We continued toward the wooded area where I had discovered the bed of moss.

"I could do it myself, but... honestly, it would take me like 3 days". I continued flying backwards in front of him as we spoke. The path began to disappear as we began to make our way uphill. Slow as he was compared to my flight, with him carrying the moss, we would only have to make one trip.

"I get it", he smiled, "But why do you need the moss anyway"?

"It will help insulate Shae for the winter", I watched him stumble slightly as the incline grew steeper, "I only brought as much as I could carry from Avalon, so I don't have much when it comes to protection from the cold".

He nodded and used the trunk of a young birch to pull himself up further. As he climbed, we grew silent. It was a steep trek and I didn't want to take his focus away from his footing. After about ten minutes he paused and stood up straight to catch a breath, and smiled with a breathy laugh.

"Should'a warned me about how steep the climb would be. I would have brought some water", he said and braced himself on another birch with one hand.

"Sorry," I giggled, "I honestly didn't realize it, since... you know—"

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