V- Okay so me and Ari made the boys a meal you could say.... and when they found out we did that for them they were like literally torturing us.. they tickled ARI and then they chased us around and now they are scattered around so can you please pick them up..

P- Sure I will

V- Thanks.. bye

P- Bye sweetie.

* Call Ended*

We waited and after five minutes Paul entered with only three of the boys.

"Where are Harry and Zayn?" Ariana asked the question that was on the tip of my tongue.

"They went to Starbucks." Paul answered.

" I WANT STARBUCKS!" I whined.

"I'll take you when I head out" Paul told me.

" OKAY!" I said happily.. Did I mention that I love coffee? no! Well now you get to know that I absolutely love coffee and if I didn't drink either hot chocolate or coffee I'll be a lazy bum all day.

" Now.. Vic and Ari...would you like to live with me or the boys?" Uncle Paul asked.

"No offense to you Paul but I will live with the boys.. because I want to socialize with people my age.." Ari spoke.

" SAME." I said.

He nodded understandingly.. "Whenever you want to live with me... I'm just across the street." he said then continued." Come Vic let me take you to Starbucks"

Zayn and Harry decided to enter that moment with eight Starbucks cups in their hands.

" Paul! take one of the cups..' Zayn told him and received a thanks and a pat on the back and he did that to Harry too.

Harry passed Liam, Ari, Louis, and took one for himself. He got murmurs of thanks as a reply to getting Starbucks drinks.

Zayn gave Niall and then gave me and took one for himself. He received a thanks from Niall and a kiss on the cheek and a thanks from me.

"I think I got my starbucks uncle!" I told my uncle with a grin. Uncle gave me the look of you-said-something-I-didn't-want-to-hear-you-saying." How many times should I tell you to not call me uncle.." he said. I gave him a sweet smile and said," sorry, unc-I mean PAUL!" he smiled that I called him Paul" I kinda feel its disrespectful to not address you as 'uncle'." I told him. "SINCE WHEN DO ANY OF US CARE ABOUT RESPECT?!?!" Louis screamed butting in the conversation.. Which earned him a smack on the back of his head by Liam.. "Some people actually do..." he said referring to himself. Louis crossed his arms and pouted then murmured "You people are no fun!"

I looked back at my uncle who was shaking his head at the scene in front of him. "Boys and Ari and Vic!" he said getting everyone's attention. He looked at the boys and informed them," Vic and Ari will be staying with you lads" which resulted cheering from the five boys then he continued "and I recall them say ' We want to socialize with people our age.' Their words not mine.." this resulted chuckles to erupt from the five boys.

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