The time had come, the pair went their separate ways, they had a mission to carry out, there was no room for error or flaws. Driving through the streets of a foreign land, the brunet kept in mind all the things that could go wrong, he made a backup plan for them. They were going to make it out of this, they had to, for a true victory, none of them could die.

The News Station quickly came into view, Matt was ready, it was do or die time, and right now he was a doer. Sliding up, a red car came to a semi rolling stop, a gun, of sorts, was pointed out the window, one shot was fired, the place became smokey. People gagged and coughed, while the driver sped off just as quickly as he had come by. Step one was almost complete. However, something occurred that the blond or brunet didn't account for.

Damn, they caught up quickly, are they even allowed to drive like this? Police or not, this is all reckless for them. Without knowing it, the young man was being led into a trap, already his escape route was being cut off. Before him were rows of cars and gunmen, behind him, even more, this was no good.

Forced to stop my car, I slowly got out, with both hands up, I tried to talk my way out of this. Knowing that I might have to fire off another shot to get past these guys. Despite my best efforts, I failed. Gun blasts, bullets raining, pain, my body is falling backward, it hits the side of my car, GAMEOVER, then nothingness.

Elsewhere Mihael Keehl best known as Mello was succumbing to his own fate, him and Takada.

Looks like Kira is going to win after all. We all died, there are no extra lives, power-ups, just game over, and this is death, pain, and beeping, it plays on loop. Ugh, I don't know what is worse, the beeping or how heavy my body feels. Wait, heavy...If I'm dead then why can I still feel and hear?

Slowly Matt tried to move, which only made more pain shoot through his body, a female's voice called out to him, he vaguely recalled it. "Try to relax, Matt, you've been shot multiple times. I don't know if it was luck or bad aiming but your vitals were mostly missed, no one went for a headshot, or else you really would have died." Said the older woman, slowly my eyes opened, the room was dimly lit but I could make out strands of blonde hair, red lips, and golden-brown eyes. "Halle..." Just saying that one name took a lot out of me, she notices and hums before explaining what had happened.

"Mello, he didn't make it, Takada killed him, she wrote his name down on a scrap of the death note, that was the missing piece, he knew he was going to die. But I don't think he knew that Kiyomi's guards would attempt to kill you, the smart choice would have been to take you in for questioning but we both know how that turned out." As she kept talking, another young woman walked in, she checked on my wounds, gave me water, meds, and a kind smile, telling me that it was a miracle that I made it. "What about Kira?" I asked, Halle, said nothing at first but then spoke, "he is gone from this word, he was cornered and captured but died of a heart attack, the Shinigami, Ryuk, was nowhere to be found. Kira is no more."

"So it's truly over then...A partial victory."

"No, a complete victory, Near acknowledged Mello's efforts and honored him for doing what had to be done. If it wasn't for you two, Near and everyone else that knew of the meeting, of the Death Note, would have been killed. Thank you, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was too late to get to him." Lidner looked down, her eyes teary, in that moment, she looked like a mother that had just finally accepted her beloved child was never coming back home, that her boy was forever gone.

A deep sadness and depression took over Mail Jeevas, his friend was gone, he was barely alive, stuck in a safe house until his wounds were healed. Dark times followed him well after he was released, rumors of his death were still talked about, however, the brunet made sure to change his appearance. Dyeing his luscious locks from their rich chocolate color to a fiery red, once blue eyes were now jade.

A year later and the former brunet still felt on edge about everything. He avoided going to any place that would remind him of the events that happened that night, and of course, seeing chocolate made him feel even worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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