Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels

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First, I flew down to the bin and landed atop one side. I got down on all fours to see if I could spot anything of use inside the bin. Something silver caught my eye. I flew down and landed on some old wood before crawling into the pile to retrieve it.

"A bowl"? I asked myself as I crawled out. It was a metal bowl with ribbed edges, but it smelt like rotten honey wine, if honey wine actually went bad.

I opened my pack and my new bowl just barely fit. I rummaged around and found a thin flat piece of wood, that no doubt splintered off a larger piece, that was large enough to use as a tabletop. Though, this would definitely not fit in my pack. I flew up to the tree above and placed it on a large limb, so that I could come back for it I set it down, I looked towards the old building and back at the road.

"Y-up", I said to myself as I stood up. I flew down to the door that the human left open and peeked inside. It was silent. I flew in and immediately flew up to the top and perched myself on one of the beams above. "A home", I said quietly in awe, I could see the similar layout to a kitchen and living area, though it was old and empty. I looked around and saw a large bowl of thin metal spikes atop an old counter. I flew down to inspect it. I grabbed 1, then three more.

Table legs, I thought to myself and looked around eager to see what else I could find.

As I looked around, I noticed an entryway with stairs. I flew to the entryway and up the stairs that led to multiple rooms. 2 rooms were empty, and one room looked similar to the washrooms in Avalon. The third was vastly different. It was clean with polished wood floors and it didn't look as old as the rest of the house. Not to mention, the room was cluttered with stuff... Human stuff. I flew inside and over to the first thing that grabbed my attention, a box that held sheets of thin soft paper that felt like cotton. It was easily folded unwrapped and I added it to my pack.

I also took a small, silver, metal ... plate? ... We will call it a plate... that had a man's face carved on it. This room was filled with strange things; though some were familiar to me, Like a bed with blankets and a table with stuff. No doubt a desk or bedroom table similar to the one I had in Avalon.

But what gave me pause was an incredibly detailed painting of a young boy and an older woman. The painting was shorter than me but longer than I was tall. The woman was hugging the boy who was smiling ear to... rounded ear. He had short Brown hair and deep Brown eyes.

The man, it hit me, the human man that was carrying all this stuff was young in this painting. Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from the beautiful art to look around. The drawer to the small table next to the bed was left ajar. I lightly flew and hopped over to it to peek inside. There was a circular, thing, of something that smelled like mint, and I crawled inside to look around. I lit the drawer with my hand, and dug around to find a cylinder made of a material I wasn't familiar with.

But, if I plug this hole I could use it as a Cup!

I looked up when I heard a noise in the distance growing louder, "The wagon"! I yelled to myself and immediately stuffed the Cup into my pack and climbed out of the drawer. I flew, fast, down the stairs and to the door. But the man had turned the corner walking straight for me. I darted back up atop the beam grabbing hold of the spikes in my bag so they didn't make a sound as I waited for him to enter. I crouched down as he walked inside with a flimsy bag that smelled absolutely enticing. He strode over to the old counter and set it down to open it up. I watched the giant curiously from my perch two yards above him, as he pulled out bread stuffed with...enticing fillings, and began to eat. After three minutes of curiously studying him, I saw similarities between the human and I. Not just in mannerisms and looks; he had a contentment about him that reminded me of myself when I decided to leave Avalon. As I watched him walk up the stairs, I took my chance and flew out the door and back to Shae.

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