Chapter 53

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The Apt-


Jordans POV-

Josh Richards is now live!

" Hey yall, its Jordan. Ill wait for more people to join so i could address the situation. This is also the last time i will talk about this." I said as i put the phone down on the dining table. I used my soda for support to set josh phone to an angle. The numbers were going up by the second. I waited about 5 minutes or so and now there are about 749k people watching the live and more were just coming in by the second.

" Ok so first things first, i need to make this public. FUCK YOU MADISON. I genuinely thought we could be friends but fuck you. You BACK STABBED me and nessa after we LITERALLY became your friends after everyone was talking shit behind your back. We defended you ass and this is how you repay us? This is genuinely sick. YOU are sick. Like cmon now, fucking your bestfriends boyfriend and then saying that I lied about it and made YOU look like that bad guy. Bitch? PALEEZ, your more pathetic than my ex bestfriend. So do us all a favor and shut your lip injected mouth up." I said as i took a deep breath.

" Now, these allegation that i  'jumped you'?" I laughed. " Really? I jumped you? Babe, if i were to jump you i would just break your fucking nose. No love, i would pull all of your fucking extensions out one by one and i would pop your fucking fake lips and then maybe break more that just your fucking nose. So please, do me AND you a favor and stop. Please stop. I dont want to actually hurt you but you are leaving me no choice but to deck your ass when i see you again. Also, whoever jumped you, please dm me. I wanna congratulate you and ask why you did it because i am genuinely curious." I said as i saw a notification that someone dmed me.

" All i have to say is, Jaden and Nessa DID NOT cheat on anyone. Nessa and josh are in a happy relationship living there couple life. Jaden is... being jaden so... ya. I didnt beat anyone up although i wish i had so that she could fucking shut up." I said as i laughed. " But anyways, this is all from me, i love you all SO SO SO MUCH. Muah, Baci. And ill talk to yall later. DONT FORGET TO STREAM LA DI DIE IN SOME HOURS, BBYYEEE" I said as i waved to the live and finished it. 

I sighed and put my head in my hands. This is so fucking frustrating. I really dont understand what the whole fucking point of that was. I mean, if she wanted to get me mad, she got it but why though. What have i fucking done for her to do this? I literally forgave her after she fucking yelled in my face and called me a bitch and hoe and THIS is how she fucking treats me? AGHHH. I just want to fucking scream and punch someone.

" Jordan?" I heard a voice say from in front of me. Shit. I forgot Jaden, josh and ness were with me. I lifted my head up and smiled.

" Hey, sorry. I forgot yall were here." I said with a smile.

" I get that you are mad but um, its not really my phones problem... you know?" Josh said as he pointed to my hand. I was confused so i looked down and saw that i had josh phone in my left hand that looked like it was about to crack because of how hard im clenching on to it. I immediately let go of it and gave it to josh.

" Sorry." I said with a smile and gave it to him. I got up and threw my trash in the trash can. I cleaned up the rest of my mess and grabbed my phone and bag. The three were just starring at me watching my every move.

" Ima go take a nap in my room. Ima take aaron with me uh, call me when its time for the party." I said with a small smile. They nodded there heads and smiled. And with that i went to the little crib thing in the living room and grabbed the sleeping baby to take him to my room with me. 

Regret ; Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now