Chapter 51

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Vinnies house/ BOA steakhouse-


Jordans POV-

Its already 5pm and ive been here since 10am. I have been hanging out with vinnie, sam, griffin, troy, anthony, kio, avani and riley. Avani and riley have been holding baby aaron since we got hear. Josh called me about 20 minutes ago if i can go pick him up. Im currently outside of the studio waiting for josh to come out. I see him walk out with Brianna and dave.

" Whats up jordan! When are you coming to the pod?" Dave said as he waved through the window.

" Hey dave! Whenever you want. Im free this week and the next week." I smiled. Brianna smiled and waved. " Hi Brianna, you are so much hotter in person holy shit." I said as i waved and smiled at her.

" Holy shit- Thank you! I could say the same thing about you- holy fuck" I got out of the car and hugged her. I hugged dave too and got there numbers so we could rearrange when i could be on the pod. I waved and got into the car were josh was waiting for me.

" I know you werent flirting with brianna right now" Josh said laughing. I laughed to and shrug.

" Im single. I could do whatever i want." I said jokingly. We laughed and headed back to vinnies to hang out.

" Has your phone still been blowing up?" Josh asked

" I dont know. I turned it off" I shrug. He just laughed and shook his head.

" Whos blowing it up?" i said as we parked infront of vinnies house.

" Jaden, nessa, coop, sj, olivia and the group chat." he said as he unbuckled his seat belt and got out.

" Are you not gonna answer?" I said as i knocked on the door. 

"... Nahh. Ima be petty and not answer." He said looking at me. We both bursted out laughing. The door opened and there stood vinnie.

" Sup man, come on in. We are in the backyard watching troy fall on his ass and the girls still have baby aaron." He said as he bro hugged josh and side hugged me. We walked to the backyard to see everyone chilling. Avani and riley were having a mini photo shoot with aaron and the guys were watching troy doing some tricks on the board.

" Sup guys! Miss me?" josh yelled. With that everyone turned around and came to greet him. I walked over to the girls and hung out with them.

" Do they know where we are?" Josh asked after everyone greeted him.

" Nahh. Jj told us not to say anything." Griffin said and i just nodded.

" Ohh bet" Josh said as he grabbed a white claw and everyone went back to what they were doing.

| 3 hours later- 8 pm |

" Hey guys! Who is down to go to boa?" vinnie asked everyone.

" Me and avani cant. We have to go to sway. Bryce called us. He said something about reality show and manager. Didnt really pay attention." Anthony said. We all laughed and shook our head.

" I would go but i have to take care of aaron. Paparazzi still doesnt know about him and im trying to keep it that way." I said. Mostly everyone nodded but troy. He looked confused.

" But didnt you post him on insta?" he asked.

" Ya. I just said i was babysitting for a friend and they believed me." I said laughing. He nodded.

Regret ; Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now