†𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏†

ابدأ من البداية

Once we stepped out. You can see dragons flying in the air, witches, goblins - any mythical creature or you can say, monster - was there.

"This is so exciting!" Korra exclaimed, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"What are we gonna do first?!" She looked around, as she couldn't contain her excitement. She was literally jumping up and down, like a child high off of some candy.

"Korra this is school, not Disneyland" I reminded her, that we weren't here to have fun, but to learn.

"What's Disneyland?" Korra asked, clueless as ever. I forgot she knew nothing of the human world or what it contains.

"Never mind" I took her hand in mind, as I pulled her amongst the crowd of monsters. I knew the first place we need to go was the headmaster's office and I first need to figure out where it was located.

As I was trying to figure out, where the hell was the headmaster's office. It was like Korra was an untamed puppy, who saw something they liked and started to run towards the direction, all excited.

"Korra slow down we're gonna-".

And before I knew it, I bumped into someone, who didn't sound to happy.

"Watch where you're going! You-".

Oh sh*t, not her...

I frozed at the sight of Venus. She looked hella pissed, once she realized it was me who bumped into her.

I knew right at that moment, I was dead meat, glaring a look over to Korra, seeing how she got me into this mess, cause I didn't want to bump into a person that literally wants to kill me on my first day of school.

'Sorry' Korra mouthed to me, scared for my life, as much as I was.

"We meet again, mutt" Venus eyed me like a piece of meat.

"Venus, who's thi-".

"Shut it!" Venus silenced one of her friends - I assume they were - "It seems that fate knows that you're gonna die in my hands and brought you right back to me" I felt her breathe hit my skin, giving me chills - and obviously not the good kinds.

Before Venus was about to - have her fill - I was once again saved by that same female voice from before.

"Venus that's enough!" A girl said, as if scolding Venus, like she was her mother. I couldn't see the girl, only because Venus was blocking my view.

I heard Venus growl "Why whenever I'm about to devour you - someone decides to interrupt" She slowly restrained herself from doing what she was about to do.

"Venus, I said that's enough!".

I saw Venus roll her eyes, as she stepped away from me, as I was now able to see the girl that saved me - not once, but twice! - without her even knowing.

I could tell she was a vampire, like me - just by her scent, but obviously, she was a pureblood - unlike me, I'm a hybrid.

"I'm sorry about that, my sister tends to have her way with newcomers" The girl spoke, which I was surprised to even hear that they were related, seeing how they weren't even the same species nor she was half blood, but pure.

"How are-".

"My mother is married to her father" I was surprised that Venus was the one that spoke up, seeing her cross her arms, looking away from me.

"That's right" The girl just had a small smile on her face.

I was about say something, but nothing seem to come out.

"What are you even doing here Aleia?" Venus asked her sister, since she just interrupted her - nearly killing me, or close to that I should say.

"Uncle told me to escort Jordyn over to his office" The girl that I now know as, Aleia explained.

"Jordyn? So that's her name - not that I care" Venus said, as if I wasn't standing right in front of them.

"Well, as long as I'm in charge of her safety - I don't want to see you bullying her, you hear me?" Aleia folded her arms, looking over to her own sister.

"Whatever" Venus rolled her eyes, as she sat on one of the guy's lap, who was indeed an Incubus - assuming it was probably her boyfriend, cause they looked to close to even be just friends.

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