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She Lives In This Suite


6 months later

"...And this boy, Bill, from one of my classes, I think, Language – or was it Social Studies? Well, anyway, he's a total dickhea-"

Chaeyoung abruptly stopped walking, glaring as she looked towards the 11-year-old girl, "Ella," She warned, narrowing her eyes when the younger girl just shrugged defensively.


"Language!" Chaeyoung exclaimed. Ella just rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. Chaeyoung chuckled lightly as she leaned down in order to wipe the ice cream smudges on her sister's cheeks with a napkin before continuing their journey towards the nearby park. "Anyway, Bill?"

"Ugh! I really hate him!" Chaeyoung struggled to hold in her laughter as she watched the younger girl gesture with her hands frantically as she spoke. "He's the most annoying boy in school. He's very loud, like, he just wouldn't stop blabbing and blabbing about all kinds of nonsense. He'll bump into me in the hallways on purpose whenever he gets the chance to, pulls my hair bands off and makes me chase after him everywhere that'd always get us both stuck in detention after class. I just don't understand what's with him! He's annoying and he's always so mean to me and- Unnie! Why are you laughing?!"

Chaeyoung shook her head as she continued to let out uncontrollable snickers. Letting go of Ella's hand when they sat down on the first bench they spotted at the park, she watched amusedly as the little girl sent her a confused frown. "I'm sorry. It just seems to me that Bill's got, I don't know, a little crush, maybe?"

"Unnie!" A blush immediately creeped up the younger girl's face, making Chaeyoung laugh even more. "No, he doesn't! If he does, then, why would he be such an assho-"


Ella raised both of her hands, rolling her eyes as she chuckled lightly as well. "Sorry!"

On the other hand, Chaeyoung just smirked, a teasing expression still on her face. "Well, believe it or not, I've been to sixth grade, too. And I bet you a nickel, annoying you is just this boy's way of grabbing your attention."

The blush spreading across Ella's face turned into an even darker shade at the statment.

"T-that's not how it works!" She stuttered out, frowning deeper when her sister reached out to pinch her now severely reddened cheeks.

"Sure, baby." Chaeyoung dismissed, making the younger girl pout. Ella felt like she needed to defend herself from her sister's teasing accusations, failing to realize sooner what just came rushing out of her mouth as she continued to try and reason out.

"Well, I didn't see Jisoo-unnie pissing you off that one night when the three of us facetimed togethe-"

Chaeyoung visibly froze on her seat, flinching, and effectively catching the little girl's attention. Ella's eyes widened when she realized the accidental slip of the brunette's name with her words, turning abruptly to face the frozen blonde's direction with hands covering her slightly parted mouth.

rosie's ruleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang