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This Is Fun, You And I


Warning: Light sexual scenes


"Uh, excuse me. I'm just gonna," Rosie stuttered, a finger recklessly pointing towards a random direction. "I-I'm gonna use the toilet."

She didn't wait for either of the two to respond anymore before she stood up from her seat and fast-walked towards the direction of the restaurant's washroom, not glancing back.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god." The blonde mumbled repeatedly to herself as she leaned her back against the door the moment she entered the washroom completely.

She didn't even understand why she became such a stuttering mess all of a sudden in front of the brunette.

Last time she checked, she wasn't stuttering at all when she was screaming Jisoo's name that night.

Snap out of it!

"What the hell is this?" Rosie mumbled to herself the second she placed her hand over her chest and felt the way her heart was practically racing inside it. "Gosh, I'm so screwed up."

After taking several more deep breaths and patting her cheeks repeatedly to relieve its redness, Rosie, then, decided to splash some water onto her face and reapply her lipstick.

However, she almost fell into the fucking sink when she suddenly heard the familiar rasp ringing against her ear once again.

"I have to say, it's almost offensive that you tried to deny our acquaintance to Lali back there."

"Oh my goodness," Rosie turned around, a hand clasped on her chest in utter shock. "Jisoo!"

And there comes the flashbacks. Seriously, that goddamned phrase!

Jisoo chuckled before shutting the door behind her, swiftly locking it with her slender fingers, before walking up slowly towards the flushed blonde by the marble sink.

Rosie's heart instantly raced when she saw the way the pools of chocolate in the brunette's eyes now turned into a darker shade of brown as she continued to eye her ravenously up and down.

"Now what was that exactly all about, love?" Jisoo rasped out, and Rosie had to clench her thighs tight that very second. "Were you having a hard time remembering three nights ago?" The brunette has finally reached her spot, massive hands firmly resting on Rosie's hips as she leaned her face closer to the latter's ear. "Though I doubt it, honestly." Jisoo's hands caressed the younger girl's sides before bringing one up to the latter's chin, making her look up to meet her wanting gaze. "I doubt you don't remember it at all. Do you wanna know why?" Yes. I really do. Or maybe Rosie just wants Jisoo to continuously whisper lowly against her ear as she nibbled on her earlobe and kissed the back of it slowly, sensually. "Because your moans; they told me so, Rosie."

Jisoo pushed the younger girl further, completely propping her up the sink before squeezing herself in between her legs and planting featherly kisses on her jaw, prompting the younger girl to gasp.

rosie's ruleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang