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Wanna Play Against Me?


"Wait a second, please!"

Rosie giggled to herself upon hearing the brunette's voice from the inside of her enormous suite.

She was only able to get up from bed at around 3 in the afternoon, calling the office to take the entire week off before going out by herself for late lunch.

A couple of strolls after, she decided to pay the older girl another unexpected visit.

Rosie was confused. Usually whenever she stands outside of the older girl's suite, there's this weird knot building inside her stomach. Something weird enough to make her so impatient, she'd even have to knock repeatedly on the wooden surface after pressing the doorbell button endlessly until Jisoo finally gets the door for her.

However, the knot building inside her stomach this time doesn't make her feel that way at all.

It felt unusual. Somewhat like tingles. Like twisting and fluttering. Like that of what you feel when the cutest guy in campus asks you out for the first time in ninth grade.

It wasn't an uncomfortable aching; or an overwhelming desire. It was excitement, but nothing for the plain sex.

It was something different.

Something that lies somewhere in between butterflies and tiny fireball explosions.

She blinked the thoughts away. Jesus, what the fuck was that?

Did she really just waste half a minute of her life trying to figure out that?

In all honesty, Rosie thought she was gonna go crazy.

I need to get this head checked ASAP.

Jisoo finally decides to open the door right after that, immediately catching the frown that's now gracing Rosie's features. She chuckled.

"What's with that face, grumpypants?"

Rosie unconsciously smiled at that. This side of Jisoo, the childish one; She didn't know why she just found it so adorable.

(And she didn't know if she actually preferred this Jisoo or not.)

"Very funny. Now, shut up and let me in." She retorted as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Uhh," Jisoo stammered, looking uncertain as she rubbed the back of her head. "No...."

The unsure statement istantly made the blonde raise a questioning eyebrow.

"No?" She repeated, eyeing the older girl suspisciously and making Jisoo chuckle nervously.

"Uhm, well." The older girl subtly pushed the door further closely, the space left so little, it almost seems like she's shutting it on Rosie's face. "I just... haven't cleaned up yet, is all, so m-my suite's very messy. Like really, it's like a bloodbath in here tonight."

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