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Live The Dream


Since college, Rosie already has her whole life perfectly planned out.

She was nineteen when she broke up with her boyfriend of five months, because she realized she couldn't see them going anywhere in the future, and the least she wants is to waste her precious time.

It also happened to be her last serious relationship, and the day she called it off was also the day she decided to come up with a concrete plan for her future.

1. Graduate - She's already crossed this one out years ago.

2. Get a job - All done, too.

3. Live the dream - And this is what she's been busy doing right now.

Rosie is all for living her dream, and by that she means having fun, enjoying, and making the most out of being emotionially unattached.

It is the proper definition of living the dream, isn't it?

You've got no one else but yourself to spend all of your money on, and being promoted as the CFO of the company she's been working at for years now, Rosie can say she even has too much for her own good.

She's young, and single, and unquestionably hot, so what else is there for her to do?

Well, she's not getting tied down at 27 - no freaking way! She has to enjoy the precious years of being by her own person first.

And Rosie has always been fine with the way things come her way - endless shopping and travels and parties and love (love for one night, that is) - but that doesn't mean she's never thought of living with a husband (probably a sexy Brazilian guy) far away from the city to raise a son (a and son being the key words), have cute, random lunch dates with him while his daddy goes off to work, and perhaps adopt a cute white and brown puppy and name him Hank.

Yeah. That thought doesn't hurt Rosie, either.

Which is why she added one last little thing to her list;

4. Get Married

But, really, she doesn't see that one coming just yet.

She's still too young, and there's still a lot of years of endless shopping and travels and parties and one night stands waiting for her.

Speaking of which, as she continued to watch the people carelessly shove their drunken bodies at the dancefloor, with a glass of Bloody Mary cocktail in hand, she didn't expect to hear a deep, raspy voice with the slightest hint of sultriness ringing against her ear from behind.

"You like dancing?"


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