"Fine! Fine! Just leave her alone! You want to hurt me, fine... Hurt me! But, you leave her out of this!" Felicity cried, begging the man to put the gun away.

He just laughed once more, and put the gun away, and Felicity breathed a sign of relief. But to her utter dismay, he came closer to her, and hit her across the face with the gun. She winced at the pain, but recoiled easily.

"That's for trying to challenge me, Miss Smoak." He sneered her name, and then walked back up the stairs.

She heard her mom crying.

She wanted to cry. But, she wouldn't. She wouldn't show any of them that she was afraid. She wouldn't let them have the luxury of knowing that she was fearing for her life. If these were her last moments, she didn't want to spend them afraid. She wanted to spend them remembering the good, and not the bad.

Like when Oliver first walked into her office.

"Felicity Smoak?"

Felicity looked up to see the cute guy from the picture at Mr. Queen's desk that she had seen not too long ago. She also realized that he was so much better looking now, with the facial hair, and the haircut. But, she suddenly realized that this was Oliver Queen, and she was currently staring at him like a little obsessive freak. She also realized that she had a pen in her mouth. Gross. She quickly took it out, and glanced up at him.

"Hi, I'm Oliver Queen."

And, then of course she had word vomit that just wouldn't stop. It would tend to happen around very attractive billionaires, or just men in general.

"Of course," She babbled, "You're Mr. Queen--"

"Actually, Mr. Queen is my father." He interrupted her, but it didn't matter.

Once she began babbling, it just didn't stop.

"Right, but he's not here... right now. You are..." She tapped her pen on her desk trying to stop talking, but it just didn't happen.

"Which means you can come down to the IT department... and listen me to babble... Which will end in 3..2..1." Felicity put her pen down in finality of her embarrassment, and just looked down, wishing she was dead.

Because she had already died of embarrassment...

Oliver just raised his eyebrows and smiled at her, or at least kind of smiled. It was more a grin, like he was trying to hide it for some reason, but it wasn't working all that well... And, that made Felicity feel even more embarrassed as she felt her cheeks heat up.

"I'm having some trouble with my computer, and they told me that you were the person to come and see." He said, grinning, and giving her his computer.

She just examined it, not seeing anything wrong with it, and was about to remark on such, but he started speaking again.

"I was at my coffee shop, searching the web, and I spilled a latte on it."

Well, that was a lie.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows at him, opening the computer to see that it worked just fine.

"Yeah." He nodded, pressing his lips together.

It was obvious that he was lying, but she didn't mind. This meant that she could sort of snoop on him, and he was actually talking to her... Which was a first. But, she just tilted her head up at him, looking at him, and he actually smiled at her.

That was a first, too.

"If there is anything you can do, I would really appreciate it." He said, with that beautiful voice of his.

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