Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

Well here it is! Mr. JoelEthanChin has said MULTIPLE times that he wanted Milo and Bobbi to get together, so here you go ^.^ but I'm still dedicating this chapter to KJohnson1999 for all your kind comments :D but don't worry, I read EVERY COMMENT so don't think just because I didn't dedicate this chapter to you, that you won't get a dedication. There are still PLENTY of chapters to go - um actually 4-5ish so...YEAH! PLENTY of time! *sobs* I'm going to miss this story SO MUCH!

I ran a towel through my wet curly hair, which came from the hot shower I took this morning. I tossed the towel in my room before I headed downstairs. I see Tabasco chilling on the couch watching Bugs Bunny and Tweety show with a can of Coke in hand and a banana in the other.

What an odd breakfast combination ...

"Morning, hashbrown," Tabasco gestured at me with his can of Coke, "Just you, me, and Bobbi are home today," He grinned cheekily. "I'll be staying down here until everyone gets back. Just in case you and Bobbi want to head back to her room and finally get down to business...."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Where did everyone else go?"

"Well," Tabasco said as I took a seat on the couch next to him, "Yumi and the twins went to scout for new guns. Sasha took Riley - kicking and screaming I add - for a spa day, since it was a 'two for the price of one' special and Bobbi was asleep. Noah and Peter went to change the motor in Peter's car, and god knows where Luca is, so like I said, it's just us three."

"Fabulous," I muttered flatly as I watched Daffy Duck's head explode. Bugs Bunny tricked Elmer Fudd into shooting him.

Ah, cartoons, the only place where a duck can be shot repeatedly during Hunting Season, and still be alive afterwards.

"OG Bugs Bunny and Tweety show?" said a voice behind us. "I'm surprised you found it, it's been off air for years."

Bobbi descended the stairs into the living room wearing a white tank top, and fuzzy SpongeBob themed pajama pants. Her hair looked slept in and her eyes held the slightest fragment of tiredness in them.

"Did you take the money to your dad?" Tabasco asked.

Bobbi shrugged, standing with her arm crossed right next to the couch.

"He hasn't called yet," her voice was impassive, "so I left the money in the safe."

We all turned back to the TV. Now Bugs Bunny was dressed like a girl, with a bomb hiding behind his back as he tried to distract Elmer again.

"You know this show really is violent," I said to Bobbi.

"Very violent," Tabasco added peeling his banana.

"How so?" Even though Bobbi was talking to Tabasco, she glanced over at me. Thoughts of our kissed last night reappeared in my brain, making me look away.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tabasco said sitting up, "do you not see the fused T.N.T hiding behind Bugs Bunny's back?"

"It doesn't matter," Bobbi said, bored, "This show is nothing but random acts of stupidness with no educational value whatsoever."

"Do you wanna watch it with us?" I asked, doing my best to sound nonchalant.

Bobbi gave us a considering look. "Move over."

I moved over so Bobbi had space. She sat at the end of the couch with me, and was Tabasco on my right, leaving me smack in the middle.

We all watched the TV in silence, only laughing when appropriate, but then, mid-way through the show, Tabasco started to cough.

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