0.1 - New Beginnings

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I walked up the stairs one final time with a suitcase that contained my shoes. I cursed myself for not having someone help me move in, I had barely had time to even look for this apartment let alone have an actual moving in plan.

Out of breath, I dropped the suitcase next to the others and sighed in relief. Of course I would have to move into the 6th floor the day that the building's elevator was having maintenance. I looked around the empty apartment and it finally set in.

I really had just lived my entire to a different country out of nowhere in the last 72 hours. My new roommate wasn't here yet so the apartment felt extra empty. I walked over to the windows and looked out into the city. The day was as shiny as ever in Monaco and I could not feel more broken inside than what I did now. How ironic.

I slid down the wall and sat on the floor, there wasn't any furniture to sit in yet either way, my throat started to close up and my eyes began to water. I put my face in my hands and began to cry. How did my life fall apart so fast? Did I make a mistake picking my whole life up and leaving? I mean, who does that? Normal people have breakdowns and cut their hair or go get drunk, nope not me. I moved to another country where I don't even speak the same language.

After a few minutes, I wipe my tears away and decide to start tackling my room. The only furniture I had managed to get into the apartment was a bed frame and a mattress, only because I'm sure the lady felt bad for me as I was crying desperately on the phone for around an hour. I pick up a few suitcases and moved them into the room. I grab a few hangers and start placing the clothes in the wardrobe when I hear the door shut and some heels walking on the hardwood floor. I walk out of the room and see a blonde short girl in a dress and heels setting her purse down on the kitchen aisle. I looked like I hadn't showered in 5 days compared to her at the moment.

"Hi, you must be Anna" I said softly trying not to scare her. She turned around and gave me a huge smile.

"Oh my god, yes! You must be Olivia" She runs over and gives me a hug. You could definitely hear the French accent in the back of her voice. I hadn't really gotten a chance to ask any questions about her before moving in but I did know that she was from a around here. "It's so great to meet you! I've been wondering who I would be living in for the past two days. They told me you appeared last minute trying to find somewhere to live so I guess you're my guardian angel"

"Yeah, I mean if you told me at the start of the week that I would be living here I would've never believed you but here I am" I tried to give her a smile, trying to make light of the situation. I hadn't smiled at all in 3 days, it just didn't feel right.

"Well, you are here so that's what matters." She looks around the apartment. "There isn't even anywhere to sit here. If you want, you can change and we can go buy some furniture and some food. I think two cars won't be enough space but we can get the essentials. I'm sure if we pay a little extra we can have some couches delivered today."

Damn, she seems like she has her shit together. Unlike me  who has spent the past 3 days crying on the phone and on the floor. Even cried on the plane. And in the cab to pick up my car. And in my car on the way to the apartment. I'm actually surprised I'm not dehydrated from all the crying. I agree with her and I rush into my room to look quickly inside my suitcases for something more presentable. I grab a large t-shirt and some biker shorts and shoved my feet into some sneakers. I grabbed my sunglasses and walked out to find her out of heels and into some white sneakers too.

We got into two separate cars and I put the location of the store on my phone. I tried to follow her as she knew these streets better than I did but at some point I lost her. I arrived a few minutes later where I found a parking space next to her G Wagon. She was sitting in her car and when she spotted me she hopped out.

"I was just about to call you, I thought I lost you forever. I'm sorry, people here tend to drove kind of fast. Fast life, fast living you know? Anyways, let's go in"

After about two hours inside of the store, we left with almost everything we needed to survive for now. Anna had managed to get someone from the store with a van to deliver everything back to the apartment as it was definitely not going to fit into our cars. I managed to shove three TVs, four unassembled nightstands in the back of my Range Rover and Anna had shoved decors pieces, a few plants and a lot of kitchen supplies like a coffee maker, microwave, pans and pots amongst other things into her car. We stopped by the apartment and managed to figure out a system now that the elevator was working to bring everything up. Look at us, girl power.

We drove to the grocery store and bought everything we needed for around two weeks. By the time we had managed to get everything up, back to the apartment, put things away and helped with the delivery of the furniture, it was night time. We ordered some take out and sat on our new sofa talking around a bit learning about each other before finally deciding today was tiring enough and we could pick up where we left off tomorrow.

I turned off the lights and finally laid in bed. The final realization kicked in and I was consumed with loneliness and doubt. Today was the start of a new life, away from everything that hurt me in the past one. I took a deep breath and I somehow felt a weight being lift off my chest and I could finally breathe properly.


Author's note:
Welcome! I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter, the first few are going to be a little slow trying to get you some backstory and setting everything up so bare with me as Charles won't appear in the first chapters. This is the first time I'm publishing something in a very long while so I really do hope you like it if you've managed to find this book.

Some side notes, the story does have and is set around current Formula 1 players and details about F1 racing but for the purpose of the story some things may change like winners of races or events during the race from what happened in real life. Also, I recently got more into F1 and I am still learning so don't be harsh on me:) Thank you!

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