Legal Nickname Change

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Clueless (in a rage): AUUUUUTHOOOOOOOR!!!
Author: Why is everyone pissed off at me?
Swaggy: Pfft. Idk
Clueless: I want a nickname change!
Author (opening her magazine again): Take that up with the government.
Clueless: Author, come on, I'm not an idiot and I want a name change!
Author (handing Clueless a large envelope): Fine. Sign all these forms, pay a few thousand, and we're good.
Clueless: TF do I need all this for?!
Author: Take it up with the-
Clueless: UGH *leaves*
Human: So tell me, Author, how do you get everyone to hate you?
Author: Well, I'm blonde and my voice is nasal and annoying. That always does it.
Human: I see-
Author and Human: WHAT THE CRAP?!
Clueless: I am no longer Clueless!
Human: Then who are you?
Clueless: Mia.
Author: Wait, I thought Form 21 said "no usage of real names unless your name is Lauren".
Mia: It's based off my real name, dumb****.
Human: WOOOOOOAAAH cursing
Author: Naw dip.

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