36 ~ Control

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I made my way over to where I saw Eli sitting with a couple of people from Miyagi-Fang and hesitantly took a seat next to him.

"Hey man what's up," he said when I sat down and I could see his face light up at the sight of me.

I blushed a little and then smiled back at him.

"So what's this big plan of yours?" I asked

"Just be patient," Eli replied and he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked directly into my eyes.

I could feel my heartbeat quicken and my whole body got hot with his touch. No matter how many times we were together I still had the same exhilarating feeling when I looked into the boy I loved's deep blue eyes.

"Aren't they making another one of those stupid announcements during lunch today," Miguel asked.

I looked over at Eli again who was smirking and it made me anxious, but I knew he would never do anything bad to me. Well at least not anymore.

"I think so," Sam replied, pulling a chair over to where Miguel was and sitting next to him.

I had sensed a lot less hostility between Eli and Sam during the last couple of weeks and it was kind of refreshing. It was definitely the last thing anyone had expected, but it made hanging out a lot easier.

"What kind of announcement?" I asked, not really sure what they were talking about.

"Probably just another lame anti-bullying one," Eli said.

"Didn't they just do another one of those last month?" Mitch asked, clearly annoyed with the frequency these were occurring.

"For some reason they've gotten it through their thick skulls that these little 'announcements' are going to actually fix things around here so I guess they're just trying to make them as often as possible."

"That's bull crap."

"Tell me about," Miguel said, trying to look somewhat tough in front of Sam for some reason even though they were already dating.

We all sat chatting for a while and eating and I grew more anxious by the second. Eli hadn't done anything out of the ordinary or even hinted at it and with every passing second it felt like I was going to throw up from all of the anxiety.

After about ten more minutes of our usual group's antics the vice principal walked into the cafeteria and quieted everyone down so that he could make an announcement.

"Now I know by now you are all aware of the inherent bullying problem we have in this school and I want you all to know that it will not be tolerated here anymore. There have been many... events at this school,"

Everyone at my table let out a small laugh knowing that he was referring to the school fight. It was nice being able to joke around about such a horrible day with everyone even if there were still some sore subjects like Miguel almost well... dying.

"If we all work together we can make this a safe and healthy environment for everyone around, faculty and students alike. We will be posting a suggestions box outside of the main office for all of you to kindly make suggestions to help improve the way we run things and treat each other here."

Oh yeah please, I thought. Like that was ever going to work.

"Oh and finally, something that your lovely guidance counselor has brought to my attention is that lack of positivity we have in the halls and classrooms of this school. Before I leave I want you all to turn to the person next to you and tell them you're favorite thing about them and that you love them."

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