35 ~ Life As Always

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"Yeah," I said and I brushed my hand gently through Dem's hair.

"Does this mean we're like..." Demetri started, but got flustered so I finished it for him.

"A couple now?'


"Well um... I don't know, I don't really know how that works." 

"What about Moon?"

"I don't think her and I ever even spoke once," I said and Demetri snickered a little.

"Did you both turn each other gay?"

"Demetri! You can't just say that! Plus I don't even know if I'm-"

"If you're trying to convince me that you're not gay with that haircut it's not gonna work Eli."

I punched Demetri's shoulder offended at his accusations, but I guess he was probably right, I was just still so confused.

"And after last night..."

"Demetri don't make me hit you again," we both laughed and smiled at each other. I was so happy to be here and I didn't know exactly what it meant for us, but after such a rocky road this finally felt right. It finally felt like I was where I needed to be. With him.


[ Narrator's POV ]

Two weeks later

Demetri and Hawk continued getting closer and decided they were official, but would keep it a secret to everyone except for Brett and Miguel for now. The days passed by with everyone training, getting through school, making up for past mistakes, and trying not to get into too many fights with the Cobra Kai students.

The All Valley was only a few days away now and Miguel was completely aware of the plan after Robby and Sam spilled out all the details to him and he was on board. He didn't tell Hawk because he knew he didn't care all that much, but he still knew that something was going down.

Demetri and Hawk snuck off together whenever they had the chance and hung out all the time when they weren't busy. The two boys cared more about each other than they had for anyone else and they were finally able to express those feelings openly. Hawk was still a rather closed off person, but Demetri was slowly helping him be more vulnerable and verbal about what he wanted and when he wasn't happy.

Robby and Tory were still together, but neither of them felt a connection after everything went wrong. There were too many secrets between them and they wanted to get along, but sometimes they went days without talking.

Miguel had completely forgiven Sam now and he was given the duty to tell Johnny and Daniel the news with Sam when the time came. Johnny and Daniel were becoming more comfortable with combining their teaching styles and could almost be considered "friends" now, rather than just partners.

Brett and Hawk were still very close friends and Brett had started dating a girl that Sam introduced him to from the Volleyball team.

Things had calmed down a lot since the party. Hawk hadn't come out to anyone and whenever anyone questioned him he just said it didn't matter and moved on from the conversation. He was given funny looks, but he built up his status enough that most people were too afraid to question him.

[ Robby's POV ]

Tory just left my house after we sat in silence on our phones not talking for about an hour. She was someone I could feel comfortable with just being together and not talking, but there was a wall between us now that was present at all times and I knew I couldn't face it without telling her everything.

The closer it was getting to the tournament the more nervous I was getting. I had trained harder than ever and i was ready to help them win at all costs, but i didn't know how Tory would take it. I wanted to stand up to Kreese, but I was afraid of him no matter how strong I tried to be. This man always found a way around the rules and wasn't afraid of hurting anyone to do it. Johnny walked out on him, but no one would be betraying him like this and I was terrified of what he would do because of it.

Miguel had found out about Sam and I's plan so we decided to include him in the process. He was going to help Sam convince Johnny and Daniel that I was with them and then work alongside me to get me into the tournament and on the correct side without being murdered by someone from Cobra Kai.

Tory was my biggest threat in the competition so I was just hoping I wouldn't have to fight her at all. She was always a good and intense fighter, but now that she had more control and technique to her moves she was almost unstoppable. With her anger towards me added onto that she was pretty terrifying to say the least.

Cobra Kai had wanted to taunt the Miyagi-Fang students again, but I talked them out of it without making it obvious that I wasn't completely with them. It was probably the stupidest thing they could do from a legal side of things so I just did everything in my power to make them see that.

[ Demetri's POV ]

"Hey you," I walked up behind Eli and whispered in his ear. He smiled a little, but then put up a defense and his gaze grew distant.

"Dem not at school you know that," he replied, making me frown a little.

"Eli I know you're worried, but tons of people already saw me kiss you, plus I want to be able to be seen with you in public, like really seen with you not just as friends. It's been weeks now can't we just stop with the charade."

"I want it more than anything, you know that, but I just can't. What would people..."

"Say? You know you're sounding a hell of a lot like Yasmine right now."

"Please don't say that. I'm just scared Demetri."

"And you think I'm not? I'm scared shitless Eli, but I know I'll be fine because I have you with me."

"Why do you have to be so smart all the time," Eli said, rolling his eyes.

"You have the looks so I have to have the brains, that's just how it works." Eli blushed a little and it made me smile.

"You know I love you right?"

"Wow you're not whispering it I'm shocked."

"Oh will you shut up before I take it back," we both laughed a little and then we started walking to our classes.

"I have an idea Demetri, come to my table right away during lunch ok?'

"Should I be worried about this?"

"Just trust me ok?"

"I guess so..." I said a little worried.

Eli and I parted ways and I was nervously counting down the hours until it was lunchtime. I trusted Eli, but I never knew what kind of shenanigans he had up his sleeve. I passed by him walking in the hallway a couple of times, but he was always caught up talking with Brett or Miguel or some random person I didn't even know.

I wasn't a very jealous person, but it always hurt a little seeing how close Eli was to everyone when we couldn't be open about our relationship in public. I'd suffer through it for him, but a lot of the time I just wanted to grab his hand and shout out to everyone that I was in love with him. I respected him enough to not force him to come clean to everyone, but it did get annoying at some points.

After the first few hours of school it was finally lunch so I took a couple deep breaths and then waltzed in as confident as I could. Here goes nothing, I thought.

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