Confessions from demon girls

Start from the beginning

Vaggie: Thanks *kisses you* it's been so long since I had a boyfriend.

Charlie: And I never had a boyfriend.

(Y/N): Oh, well maybe being with me will be a good experience of having one.

Charlie: Your right, and I can even invite you over to meet my parents sometime you'll love my dad.

(Y/N): And quick question who is your dad?

Charlie: Lucifer.

(Y/N): Wait as in, the king of the underworld Lucifer?

Charlie: Yeah, and it makes me the princess of the underworld.

(Y/N): Well it must be pretty cool being the princess of the underworld.

Karen: But Charlie what would your dad think about you dating someone from the surface world?

???(Lucifer): I approve.

You turned to see was the king of the underworld himself Lucifer as you saw him.

(Y/N): Wait your ok with me being with your daughter? Even though I'm from the surface?

Lucifer: Yes, my only concern is how you treat my daughter, but I heard stories of you.

(Y/N): Yeah us heros saving the universe and don't worry your highness I'll treat your daughter well and kind.

Lucifer: Please call me Lucifer, and after hearing these stories it seems your ok in my book. Besides, even if I didn't like you I'd still would have chosen you to be my daughter's suitor.

(Y/N): Oh thanks Lucifer you won't be disappointed. *To Charlie* So Charlie I gotta ask what's your beef with that news lady?

Charlie: She doesn't like me much because of my idea, she only had me in that broadcast because I'm you know the princess of the underworld.

(Y/N): Hmm Well I bet I can change her mind.

Charlie: You can show her my idea isn't terrible?

(Y/N): It's a wonderful idea created by a beautiful girl.

Charlie: *blushes* Aw thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): Anything for my girlfriends.

Later we see you and the girls at the channel 666 news station you looked to see Katie killjoy.

(Y/N): So that's her? And who's that other guy?

Vaggie: That's her co host tom trench.

(Y/N): Well that's good to know. Well I'm gonna go talk to Katie.

You walked up to the two as you tapped her shoulder.

(Y/N): Excuse me, are you Katie Killjoy?

She turned around to see you and she blushed red

Katie: Yes I am. And you are?

(Y/N): I'm known by many names, but you can call me (Y/N) also known as the alien hero of metropolis. Look I'm here cause I want to endorse the happy hotel.

Katie: You mean that idea that princess has? Why bother it's just a lost cause.

Jessica: Hey, there is no such thing as a lost cause.

(Y/N): Well why do you think it's a lost cause? And be honest.

Katie: Look I only think it's because it's impossible to reform a demon.

(Y/N): Look you need to understand even a fool can make the impossible possible, *looks at Charlie* as long as she never gives up. Plus saying positive stuff about the hotel could oh I don't know boost your image and as an added bonus you endorse it to other demons by staying at the hotel.

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