Chapter 38

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The next morning you wake up to your alarm feeling groggy as ever. It takes a few minutes for you to even open your eyes and another couple of minutes before you finally roll out of bed.

At least last night's headache is gone.

Despite the relief from the headache, you still feel tired, moody, and for some reason — dehydrated. The hotel has some complimentary water bottles on the desk near your bed so you decide to take one and drink from it. You think about how you'll need some medicine as well if you're gonna get through today because what's happening, later on, will surely give you another headache and make you feel worse.

You sigh as you check the schedule on your phone.

Fan-sign event...

You almost forgot with all that's been happening recently. And speaking of that... you remember last night. Pulling up the Messages app on your phone, you check your recent conversation with Chaeyoung. She left one last message last night before you passed out:

❣️🌹❣️: sweet dreams baby girl ❤️ If you're feeling worse later on please let me know. I'm worried.

Something is tugging at your heartstrings. A lull in your chest that aches for Chaeyoung and makes you wonder why you were even mad with her in the first place. You want to talk to Chaeyoung now and work things out, but before you finish typing your reply, you stop and erase it.

Two reasons are holding you back right now. One is that you still aren't over the way she hesitated when asked about trust, and the second is that you need better timing. Today is the fan signing event. Chaeyoung needs to keep a clear head and smile because hundreds of eyes and cameras will be watching her every move. The last thing you should be doing is giving her a reason to feel upset. Her fans will start to wonder if something is wrong, and as a result, rumours might fly. You place the phone down and sigh. There will be a time and place for it, but not now.


"Ladies and gentlemen, Blackpink!"

The female host/announcer introduces the group and you hear the roar of the crowd. People of all ages and backgrounds stand in the audience, craning their necks to get a good look as the stars come on stage. You're walking alongside Jennie. When she reaches the stairs leading up, you hold an arm out for her to hold onto as she climbs them.

All four members of Blackpink line up, then bow to the crowd while your team stands a few feet behind. You regard the faces in the audience and furrow your eyebrows from all the flashing cameras. Today will be a mental push more than anything because of how under the weather you're feeling. At the same time, you'll need to stay on top of your game and be a couple of steps ahead of everyone else; ready for the worst-case scenario at any given moment.

Eventually, the fan-signing event commences and the first fan makes his way forward from the line. A young man with glasses and dark curly hair, most likely in his twenties. He starts with Jisoo first, then Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa at the end. When the man approaches Jennie, you practically hover over her and watch his every move. Making sure that there is no danger whatsoever. Jennie smiles at the flustered man and greets him, then asks for his name and he gladly gives it.

Soon things turn into a repetitive groove. Fans come forward from the line and greet the girls. Some are super shy and timid, others are overly excited and jump with joy, and a few let their emotions get the best of them and begin to cry. One young girl bursts into tears while holding hands with Jisoo who smiles and coos at her, telling her not to cry and thanking her for being such a lovely fan.

Quite possibly the cutest interaction ever is when an elderly Asian lady approaches the stage. You glance behind her as she comes by, looking for someone she might be with, perhaps a grandchild, but soon realize that the old woman is all alone. However, that doesn't seem to bother her. She gives Jisoo a sweet smile, rests her black purse on the table, and begins conversing with her. Jisoo's eyes brighten during their talk and you watch as she bows her head, then gives full attention. Each of the members does the same thing when it's their turn with the old woman. When she reaches Jennie, you realize that she must be Korean because she starts speaking the language and the latter responds.

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