Chapter 37

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“Hey baby, wake up, there is somebody here to see you.”

Wes gently kisses my forehead after he whispers in my ear. My eyes flutter open and I see that I’ve been moved into a different room. I try to sit up, but then I remember that I just went through a major surgery as the pain passes through my stomach.

“Whoa now, darling. You just lay right there, okay?”

I nod my head as Wes uses the controls on my bed to slowly move me up a bit. Now that I’m awake, he uses the remote on my bed to call the nurse’s station to come to check in on me. My recovery nurse comes in and takes some vitals and then checks the closure on my stomach.

“It looks good right now, Mama. Just know that you are going to have a long road to recovery so don’t push yourself too much.”

“Thanks, I’ll try to remember that. Where is he?” I look around, trying to find my baby.

The nurse tilts her chin to the corner of the room under the window. “He’s right over there. Your hubby has been doing a great job learning how to take care of the baby. He’s a natural.”

I smile in response, “Well, this is his second time around, my first.”

“Ahh, that explains it.” The nurse pulls my blankets back up and sets a pillow on my lap. “Wes, do you want to bring him over?”

Wes picks up the baby wrapped up like a burrito and places him in my arms. He’s peacefully sleeping with his pouty lips moving up and down.

“He’s probably a little hungry. He was only able to latch that small bit at first, but we did pump a bit for you while you were sleeping since Wes said you wanted to breastfeed.”


“Yes, yes I do. Can I try now?”

“We can try, even if he’s asleep. If he’s hungry, he’ll still nurse.” The nurse is very gentle and patient with me and the baby. She teaches me a couple of ways to hold him while he nurses. I find something that is comfortable and then we try to get him to latch on, but he is having some problems. “Let me try one more little trick.”

She places him up against my breast and them tickles the side of his mouth and he opens up wide, turning to her finger. Instead of her finger, she guides my nipple into his mouth and he latches over it. “There we go, little man!” I say down to my son, marveling at the fact that my body is giving him what he needs.

“Give him about five minutes on this side and then switch. If you’re having problems getting him to latch again you can press the button and I’ll come back in.”

“I will, thank you. Other than that, how is he?”

“The doctor would like for him to stay a few nights just for monitoring, but he seems pretty good and strong.”

The nurse takes a few more vitals and then leaves. Wes pulls a chair up next to me and sits, watching him nurse. “He looks content.”

I giggle, “I’m sure you would be too.”

“Your breasts do sustain my life too,” Wes winks at me and I laugh a bit too hard and I slightly wince.

“Yikes, don’t make me laugh too much.”

“I’m sorry, babe. How are you feeling, Holly? Honestly.”

“I feel okay, really tired and my stomach is sore, but all things considered, I’m just happy that he is here and healthy.”

Match Made in Valley View (Valley View Book #2) Where stories live. Discover now