Chapter 25

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I was curled up on my couch with a blanket and a new book on my Kindle when my phone rang. My sister’s name popped up on the screen, so I clicked the green button right away.

“Hey, Hannah. Merry Christmas Eve!”

“And Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Holls. I got your package in the mail, funny joke, sis!”

I try to stifle my laughter, “What? I sent you a cake!”

“You sent me a deconstructed cake that doesn’t even include all of the ingredients.”

“My bad,” I laugh again.

She huffs on the other end of the line, “Jerk! You know I can’t bake.”

“I know, but I love you just the same.”

“Uh-huh. What are you up to tonight?”

“Closed up early after I sold out of all my Christmas stuff. Now I’m just getting some reading some. Wes is heading to pick me up.”

“Ooooo Wes is picking you up.,” she singsongs back.

I realize she can’t see my eye roll, but I do it anyway. “To go back to his parents' place for Christmas Eve. Get your head out of the gutter.”

“I’m so glad you stopped being stubborn as hell about the god of a man.”

“God of a man?” I guffaw. “Oh geez, Hannah.”

“I only saw him once and I already know he’s gotta look good underneath it all.”

“Hannah!” I yell at her.


“That’s my boyfriend you’re gushing over!”

“Mmmhmm, it sure it.”

The doorbell from the downstairs door rings and I rush over to buzz Wes up. I unlock my front door so he can come right on up and go back to my phone call. “Alright, sis, as much as I’d love to keep this conversation going, Wes is on his way up.”

“Go get it, sis!”

“Don’t be gross. Love you bye”

“Love you too!”

I press the end button right as Wes walks in. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug, and then tilts my chin up and presses a kiss against my lips. “Hey, darling.”

“Hey there,” I reply back. He still takes my breath away, no matter how many times he kisses me.

“Did I interrupt something?” He looks down at my hand holding the phone.

“Just talking to Hannah, wishing her Merry Christmas.”

“What’s she up to for Christmas?”

“She’s got a big group of friends that do something every year. I sent her all the ingredients that she needs to make a cake, but she wasn’t thrilled that she’d have to bake it herself.”

Wes laughs as he walks further into my place, “And Holden?”

“Not sure exactly. I haven’t been able to get in touch with him yet, but I’ll try again tomorrow.”

“Okay, go grab your bag so we can leave.”

“Are you sure your parents are okay with me spending the night?” I ask him as we walk back to my bedroom.

Match Made in Valley View (Valley View Book #2) Where stories live. Discover now