Part 2 Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

I opened the door to the twins room and started their routine. After forty minutes of us wrestling over toys,fighting in the tub, and doing their hair they were ready. Then there's me fucking exhausted! I looked over everything and made sure that they had what they needed in their carry on bags when I felt Chandler standing behind me.
"Okay boys go play downstairs while I finish." I said to them
"Okay mommy. Hi daddy!" They said running past us.
I looked Chandler over before turning back and rechecking their bags. Chandler grabbed the list and began checking out our bags. After I was finished I stood up and walked towards the door. Of course Chandler stopped me and was standing there blocking the door.
"Alana. I didn't want to hurt you last night I was just angry at my dad." Chandler said
"And you wanted to take that anger you had for him out on me! Look I hate that every time you talk to him it brings the worse out of you! Then you get like this then you look to hurt someone and it always me!"
"I don't know what to do to make it better. I don't know what to say"
"I needed you to just listen to me last night! I got that it's your mom and he waited to tell you but did you for once think that he simply forgot because he was making sure he had all the information before calling?" I asked.
Chandler didn't say anything so I continued..
"Did you think about one second that I was trying to get you to see the rational side of the situation but you lashed out on me for no fucking reason and for that I don't know how I feel about you."
"What does that mean? Alana what are you saying? Are you leaving me over a little mistake?" Chandler quickly asked
"I didn't say that. Chandler stop jumping to the worse."
"Then what the fuck are you saying cause that's what it sounds like to me it sounds like you wanna leave over one small setback!"
"Chandler I- you know what it's time to go so move!" I said
He moved out the way and I walked out the door. I'm not wasting my time on this conversation anymore and I'm not leaving. I walked down the stairs completely ignoring Chandler and got the kids in the car. The whole ride to the airport was quiet I didn't say anything to him and he ignored me. The only time we talked to each other was when the kids asked us a question. Once we got to the airport I took the kids out and headed inside.
"Go find Levi or your dad and tell him to come help me" Chandler said
I just nodded and walked into the airport not even looking at him. After I got through security I saw Levi sitting typing away on his phone.
"Hey Chandler needs your help." I said
"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Levi asked
He stood up and gave me a hug then a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm fine why?"
"No you ain't. You've been crying. Are you and Chandler okay?"
"I- i-I'm fine okay can you go help your brother please." I said before walking towards Zara and Serena.
"Alana I'm here if you want to talk. You already know this." Levi said looking at me before walking away. I nodded my head and then turned to Zara.
"You good Alana?" Zara asked
She was holding Zerion and rocking him back and forth. I smiled down at him completely ignoring her to kiss him.
"Is it my dad? Y'all been fighting haven't you?" Serena asked
"I'm fine y'all. Serena how are you feeling?" I asked
Serena was now six months pregnant with a baby girl. With Derek being in jail now for attempted murder,our relationship has changed. We talked over everything starting from us to Derek and now we are cool.
"I'm fine and this morning sickness has yet went away" she said while rubbing her belly.
"Yeah I remember having terrible morning sickness with the twins. I'm surprised y'all mama not here"
"She's catching a flight tomorrow. Your mom and dad have Mariah." Zara said
"And Terrence?" I asked
"At home. Work."
I raised my eyebrow at her but kept quiet. I know her ass ain't that damn naive but hey I tried to help. She wanna share her man she can. I didn't have nothing else to say over that situation but of course I will always be here for her. I saw Chandler out the corner of my eyes walking towards us. He kissed Serena and Zara on the cheeks then paused to look at me. I stared at him before walking off towards my parents.
"I saw that. Y'all having problems?" My mom asked me
"What happened?"
"Just his dad. He's not being himself"
"Himself? Seems like he's regular moody Chandler to me." My mom said rolling her eyes.
"Ma! I'm serious his dad brings the worse out of him and there's literally nothing I could say that will make him not get upset. Like yesterday.." i said trailing off my words.
I saw my dad,Levi, and Chandler all sitting there and they look to be deep in conversation. Every once in a while they will all look at me then go back to their conversation. So I know they are talking about me.
"What happened yesterday?" My mom asked
"We argued over the most stupidest shit it's like anything I said made him mad. So I told him I'm over it now he jumped to the worse. I'm just so sick of it." I said telling the half truth.
I'm not stupid enough to tell her what really happened because it would start unnecessary fights. I got up out of my chair and checked on the kids and to throw their trash away when Chandler came up to me.
"What?" I asked
"I'm sorry." Chandler said wrapping his arms around me.
Chandler wrapped his arms around me and like an instinct I put my head on chest. I put my nose on his shirt and inhaled his scent. Chandler rubbed the top of my head making me close my eyes and almost fall into his arms. Damn I hate the control he has over my body.
"Okay. Did you talk to Bryce?"
"No. I was planning on doing that after I see my dad"
"Great so until then I have to deal with angry Chandler." I said pulling back from him.
"No you don't. I overreacted yesterday and I know no words will make it better but I'm truly am sorry. Don't leave me. Please" Chandler said
"I'm not leaving you. I'm mad and I'm disappointed in you. I need a minute Chandler to get my mind together" i said
"Mind together about what? That's what I'm trying to understand."
"You and your father together in the same room. I can barely handle you after a phone call you think that I can handle y'all two face to fucking face. Cause lord knows that you will be looking at me sideways when he pisses you off and then anything I do afterwards you gone have some smart to say!" I said
"Aye y'all calm down no fighting in the airport." Levi said
"NO ONES FIGHTING!" Chandler and I yelled
I walked away from Chandler and towards the Starbucks in the airport.
"Lana Alana wait up"
"What do you need Levi?" I asked
"Are you sure y'all okay. I mean it seems like y'all not clicking right now"
"We are fine. Damn can we argue without everyone in our business"
"It becomes our business when y'all are yelling in public in front of y'all damn kids like y'all lost y'all damn common sense!" Levi said
"Again we are fine.. thanks for your concern but I'm handling it"
I turned to walk away from Levi but he grabbed me. He looked me in my eyes as if he was searching for the answers I refused to give him.
"Like I said Lana. I'm here for you if you need to talk Chandler told me he lost it last night and he doesn't know how to fix it."
"All he needs to do is keep his head together and he's fine"
"Alana if you need me just say it." Levi said
"Levi. Wha-"
"All passengers for flight 72A we are asking you to line up and have your tickets out. All passengers for flight 72A we are asking you to line up and have your tickets ready. Thank you!"
"Well that's us so much for that coffee." I said
I walked passed him and towards Chandler and the kids. Once we got them together and situated on their seats I sat back and instantly fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but I was awaken by my sons kissing on my face.
"Come on baby we're here." Chandler said grabbing my hand.
We walked off the plane and saw his brothers Nathan and Ryan. Nathan was 52 years old very handsome. He was 6'3, skinny thing probably weighs 170 lbs, gray hair that he kept in a pony tail,nice thick beard, blue eyes just like Chandler. Then there's Ryan. He was so fucking sexy if you asked me. Ryan was 40,6'4 the most gorgeous pair of green eyes I've ever seen,long thick blonde hair, he has a goatee,tattoos cover all of his body,very muscular body because he works out every day. God this man is just whew. Nathan was a doctor and Ryan owned tattoo shops. Every time I see Ryan I have to just control myself from drooling.I am married not blind!
They saw us walking towards them so they came and helped with our bags. We all hugged and exchanged words before making our way to the cars.
"So have y'all seen mom?" Chandler asked
"Yeah. I saw her this morning she seems fine." Nathan said in a very deep voice
"Yeah. Dad hasn't left her side though so beware of that when we get there" Ryan said stopping the car.
"Fuck! Of course his ass is still there." Chandler said
He leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze before we made our way into the hospital. Chandler got out first and then the kids. I sat back a little then brace myself for drama. We all got on the elevator and I could see Chandler face was blank. He hardened up before getting ready to get off the elevator. Oh boy here we go. Chandler walked into the room and I saw James sitting in a chair and Patrica knitting and watching television.
"Hey dad" Levi said walking into the room. He hugged James and then bent down to kiss Pat on the cheek.
"Oh my would you looky here! I finally have the pleasure of meeting my grandkids!" James said
"Oh my look at them they are definitely Chandler's clones! Oh my come give your grandma a hug" she said
She was smiling and holding her arms out. They boys looked up at me before turning back to them.
"Go on! Don't be shy these are daddy's mommy and daddy." I said to them
"Okay!" Avery said running up to James. James quickly picked up Avery and hugged him while the twins jumped in bed with Patty.James was still a good looking man to be almost eighty and he was very healthy and fit for his age. I was shocked honestly you wouldn't really tell he was that old. I turned and saw Chandler haven't even walked into the room he stood by the door. His face unreadable he seemed calm but I'm no fool. After about five minutes the boys sat down and James walked up to me.
"Hey Alana nice to finally meet you. You are very gorgeous How's Chandler treating you?" James asked hugging me.
Chandler quickly walked to my side and pulled me close to him and away from his father. He was standing in front of me blocking me from his dad.
"She's fine and I'm treating her fine!" Chandler spat
James chuckled to himself and stood there giving Chandler the same mean mug that he has on his face. They stood there just sizing each other up nothing was said between these two. No hello how you doing. Nothing! Just pure hatred for each other and it was sad to see. I know James doesn't hate Chandler but I knew he was only giving Chandler the same energy back.
"You gone let her tell me that or you speaking for her now?" James said
"Fuck you! Be lucky you even got a chance to meet her or your grandkids! I didn't have to bring them!"
"Alana come from behind him please I would like to see you in a better light." James demanded
I didn't know what to do. I was stuck I didn't want to make Chandler mad but also I wanted to walk over to pat. I moved from behind Chandler and went towards James. James again pulled me into a hug then guided me towards a seat right next to him. I looked up at Chandler and the anger was there he was ready to blow up! I don't know if it was because of me or his dad but I'm sure I'm going to find out eventually. Several minutes go buy all of the family was in the room and Chandler was fuming in the corner.
"Mom I want you to move back to the states!" Chandler finally said
"The hell she is!" James screamed
yay family reunion!

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