chapter 28

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sokka's POV

"so you have a beach house on an island just for yourself?!" toph exclaims, smashing her palms on the lunch table, and zuko nods slowly.

he filled everybody in with what happened when we met his father, and they were as shocked as we were when we found out.

"so why aren't we there right now?" the blind girl raises her eyebrows.

"toph, this is all new to him, too, so try to calm down" i intervene.

i know it would be hard for zuko to go to ember island, since it would constantly remind him of his mother. he told me that she grew up on that island, in that house, and that she always used to talk about taking him there one day. unfortunately, she never had the chance to do so.

"it's ok, sokka" zuko smiles lightly. "we can go there next week, since we'll have the spring break"

the whole gAang lets out noises of excitement and, don't get me wrong, going to a private beach with my friends and having a house all for ourselves is amazing. however, i can't help but consider how it would affect zuko's emotional health.

i really hope he will be alright, but if he's not, i'll make sure to be there for him every second until he feels better.

"sweet!" toph shouts.

she leans back in her seat and throws her hands behind her head, grinning from ear to ear.

"i can't wait for it!!" aang squeacks and turns to katara. "are you excited, sweetie?"

my sister giggles and her cheeks heat up as soon as she hears that word. they keep calling eachother 'sweetie' and i think it's gross, so i don't abstain from letting them know how i feel about it, every time i hear them.

"ugh- you're giving me oogies" i open my mouth and point inside of it with my index, pretending to puke.

toph agrees with me, making zuko chuckle into his closed fist and show off his sweet dimples, with his eyes shut. he seems so innocent, that i zone out while staring deeply at him, mesmerised by his breath-taking beauty.

spirits, i love him so much.

"shut up, sokka!" katara breaks me from the spell that zuko unintentionally had me under, and she shoots lasers at me with her eyes.

she then proceedes to blabber about how she urgently needs to go shopping to find a swimsuit for when we go to the beach, but all the noise around me soon starts fading out.

i lay my head on my hand and keep staring at the way zuko is eating his lunch, occasionally joining the conversation that has ignited at our table. i have no idea what they're talking about.

"why are you looking at me like that?" zuko giggles softly. "do i have something on my face?"

he touches his cheek with his hand, in search of whatever he thinks i saw on his face, but i shake my head.

"there's nothing on your face" i assure him, but he just looks at me confused.

"then why were y-" he begins saying, but i cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt.

with one steady move, i bring him closer to me so his lips can meet mine for a few seconds. at first, he seems surprised, but he soon returns the kiss and relaxes.

"spirits, sokka, and you were taking about me and aang!" katara yells at me after we break the kiss.

i see that zuko is all flustered and has a shy smile imprinted on his face while he plays with his food nervously. i shrug and my cheeks turn pink as well, because we don't usually kiss in front of other people. not because we are ashamed or something, but because we think that couples kissing in public are annoying.

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