chapter 24

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zuko's POV

in a few days me and sokka will have to go back to school. i'm not even sure how i'm supposed to act after what happened almost two weeks ago. everyone will probably look at me like i'm an insane freak that could go crazy and randomly blast fire at people and i can't do anything about it.

also, i'm worried about what sokka will do when he sees his teammates for the first time since they beat the shit out of me. we talked about this matter and i tried to convince him that acting reckless and starting a fight with them wasn't the answer.

this is our last year of highschool and it's almost over, so getting expelled before having the chance to take his final exams would only be foolish. he protested, like a lot (he is really mad and wants to get revenge), but he gave in at last and admitted that i am right about this, even if he didn't like it.

anyways, i don't have to deal with this crap for a few more days, so i won't stress myself too much. i'll just enjoy the company of the gorgeous boy with mesmerising ocean eyes that is sitting in front of me right now.

"so, what do you think?" i ask sokka with hopeful eyes.

it's my first time cooking spaghetti ever and he's unlucky enough to be the one that tastes it, so i'm sitting across from him, with my chin in my palms, waiting for the verdict.

he fills his mouth with my food and after he chews on it a little, his face loses any expression.

"mh- it's- it's good, zuko" he speaks with his mouth full, and after a few seconds he swallows.

"you're lying" i mutter and i grab a fork in frustration.

i twist some spaghetti around it and as soon as it stays 2 seconds in my mouth, i find a napkin and spit it all out.

"spirits, it's salty as fuck!" i shout dissapointed. "how did you eat that?"

sokka rubs the back of his neck while still staring at his plate, but then he locks eyes with me.

"i know how excited you were about cooking dinner for me and how much you wanted it to turn out good..."

i bury my face in my palms and rub my temples, until i hear his fork making contact with the plate again.

"what are you doing? don't eat that crap" i tell him, pulling his plate towards me.

"you made it, so it's good enough for me, give it back!" he whines.

"you'll get sick from this much salt, let's just order something that is less likely to kill us" i suggest.

sokka sighs and chuckles, than grabs his phone.

"pizza?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"sure, anything is better than salty spaghetti"

i throw away all the shitty food and i can't help but pout. i really suck at cooking, no matter how many times i try.

"hey" sokka wraps his arms around my waist from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder. "don't be discouraged, i don't mind cooking for you for the rest of our lives"

for the rest of our lives.

the mere thought of waking up next to sokka every single morning until the day i die makes my heart backflip repeatedly and the fact that he said it as it's the most natural thing in the world-

"fine, i actually don't mind having a personal chef" i chuckle and turn my head over my shoulder so our lips can meet.

*tw: spicy*

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